
Hi everyone,

I thought I would post to find some christians to play Starcraft 2 with. Currently, I play with my kids, and some friends.

Other games I have are Civ5, Portal 2. I also played a little of World of Tanks.

Larry S.
I'm New

Hello everyone,
I am an active CHRISTian and i am looking to join a CHRISTian guild in guild wars
I had trouble with the Tribe Of Judah website so i was hoping someone could direct me to a painless way to apply to a CHRISTian based guild.
and GOD bless
Welcome to the forums, scottjohanson and lrsgk35!
Hello everyone,
I am an active CHRISTian and i am looking to join a CHRISTian guild in guild wars
I had trouble with the Tribe Of Judah website so i was hoping someone could direct me to a painless way to apply to a CHRISTian based guild.
and GOD bless
What problem did you have with the ToJ web site? We haven't received any other reports of site issues lately.

And welcome to the forums!
Welcome to the forums, scottjohanson and lrsgk35!
What problem did you have with the ToJ web site? We haven't received any other reports of site issues lately.

And welcome to the forums!
I have never used forum type pages before and had difficulty navigating them..but was finally able to figure it out...thanks for your patience with me

Hi there,
I am your typicall teenage gamer. I play most games my friends play, yet I am realizing now that something is missing. That thing is Jesus. I am so happy that I finally found a place for Christian Gamers. Hope to get to know some of you.

Hey guys, nice little spot you got going on here. It's always encouraging to see fellow brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, and even more encouraging to see brothers who are truthfully and genuinely seeking to stand up for and promote the truth of our Lord Jesus.

My name's Paul, and I'm here because I'm looking for some people and possibly a guild to play the soon to be released Guild Wars 2 with.
Hey! I'm Jedi or Mallory...I'm in Fans For Christ and heard of y'all through them and through my friend AJ.

I've played LOTRO, WOW, and TOR...I am currently playing TOR because it's my shiny new toy :D Also am attempting to get into RPG's...if you know any people in Augusta, GA that game, let me know!

Glad to be here! :)
Request to Join Christian Guild Wars Gamers

I play Guild Wars, usually with my Grandsons, but sure like the idea of being invited to join a Christian Group.

My user name is Redhorse Fire
My online name is Lightning Fire Gpa

I am from Minnesota

I Love the Lord,
Grandpa Dan
I play Guild Wars, usually with my Grandsons, but sure like the idea of being invited to join a Christian Group.

My user name is Redhorse Fire
My online name is Lightning Fire Gpa

I am from Minnesota

I Love the Lord,
Grandpa Dan

Welcome to the CGA brother!
FEZRID's Quick Intro

Hello friends, new to the CGA and just glad to have a chance to game in W.O.W (though semi-new) with you who are in Christ. Take care and hope to play with you guys soon. God Bless
Hello friends, new to the CGA and just glad to have a chance to game in W.O.W (though semi-new) with you who are in Christ. Take care and hope to play with you guys soon. God Bless
Welcome to the forums (and my apologies for the slow reply to your post)!
Hey guys! New to CGA. I can't believe a christian gaming group like this exists. I randomly found it through a google search and let me tell you, I couldn't be any happier, what a blessing it is to be a part of a group like this.
Hello, everyone.
I play WoW alot and have been looking for other Believers to play with. My main is Twiceborne on Thorium Brotherhood, Horde-side. I have a guild (of two, right now), Society of Crafters. We're only level 2, but we're 3/4th of the way to 3. :-) Shoot me a tell if you want to say hi, or if you're interested in joining.
Hello, My name is Avi8tor.....I run S@V3DCREW which is mainly on Counter Strike Source. It is a Christian Gaming Group that serves to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.... for more information...