How did you get/make your name?


Active Member
Its actually been 2 years since that latest thread.

Since, there are more people on CGA, ToJ and others.

And its funny too, Tek7, you haven't explained yours. ;)

Mine is, but since most forums and other places, I can't use a dot (.) as its a illegal character. :(

Corp = Military rank, Corporal.

Since Private was too low and Admiral was too high, Corporal sounded nice.

Fox = Starfox, Starfox 64.

I used to play that game a lot, especially on the 64 version.

So, everyone, how did you get/make your name?
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PastorWirl = SpatualOrQualm

Well since I'm sporting two names right now, I'll give info about both of them.

This comes from when I first started online gaming; at that time I was pastoring a small church. And I thought it was funny that a pastor would be gaming online. However, now-a-days, that is not too big of a shock. So I wanted to use a name that represented me well, and when I was younger, I'd play a role playing game called ShadowRun. In that, I'd play a character named Wirl. I played that character as myself, not another role. So I put the two together, and walla! Pastorwirl

This is my current gaming tag, and it comes from a funny interaction with my teenaged nephew. He is into that show Naruto. And apparently that character's full name, in Japanese means, "Huricane Fried Fish." I thought this was hilarious. And I use to bug him with a very bad Japanese accent saying, "I'll keel you wit my spatula of doom!" I loved that phrase, and it's been an inside joke between he and I since then. So I didn't think that I was good enough of a player to call myself SpatulaOfDoom, so I looked around and found Qualm. It means:
1 : a sudden attack of illness, faintness, or nausea
2 : a sudden access of usually disturbing emotion (as doubt or fear)
3 : a feeling of uneasiness about a point especially of conscience or propriety
So that fit me perfectly, SpatualOfQualm!

I think it was like 1997 when AOL instant messenger had just come out to the public. I was always being made fun of at work for my ewok books I had in my cubical. I made the name ewoksrule so all my co-workers would laugh, since we were going to use AOL as a intra-group tool. Anyways, the title stuck and I have used it for most of my forum accounts ever since.
Odale was a name that was forced onto me by Mythic (company that made Dark Age of Camelot). My friar was originally named Oddbob, but it isnt exactly role-play material and they took the liberty to change it for me.

Oddbob originated from my early infatuation with Oddjob from Goldeneye64 (he was the best character to be). Just change the j to a b and I was set!

Oh, and I found this...

Tek I want both stories..... the one for Tek7 and the one for Isaiah Jones.... you promised to tell me sometime. Smiles..


Now I just sign "Angel' to most things because most people know me here as that. WOW long story.
Blessings, "Angel"

Aye, I'm a bit overdue with that explanation, aren't I? *blush*

You all keep the thread going and I'll sit down with the ol' keyboard some time to type out the story. I can tell you the full story involves sarcasm, fake business cards, back-in-the-day Geocities, and a firm desire to avoid harrassment.

Original thread...
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STILL WAITING............I've been a member here since 2003 so that four years might be a bit LONGER.

Blessings and Hugs, "Angel"
Xion Tawa

Xion: A character from Bloody Roar 3
Tawa: the first letters of Toon World with A's after them...

Made this up like 9 years ago as a display name for many things...
Started as Kiro_Pulse just because the word Cairo sounded pretty sweet when I was 13. Morphed into Keerosene (Kiro + Kerosene = AWESOME?) for about 2 years, now it's just Keero. My list from the years:

Furious George
Lost My Name
Lost My Password
When they were very young my kids called me Papa. In the mid 80's they switched to Abba and it stuck.

My first Guild Wars guy was a Monk - Abba San
Next came a Warrior - Abba Kahn
Then an Elementalist - Abba Lahav - lahav is Hebrew for fire.
I have been known as a couple of names. My first was Sir Pippin4 (Runescape did not let me have Sir Pippin) and after I made it, I didn't really like it. I picked it because I really like the lotr character pippin. So that one never made it passed my days of runescape. I then had Lordnelson. I had that one because a friend of mine quit runescape sold his character to me for $0.25. I used it for a couple games before I gave the account back to him when I quit runescape. Now The Joshinator came from my friend (the one who sold me the runescape account) would always call me The Joshinator. I liked that one, so it stuck. I've pretty much been using it since I quit runescape. Also, I had to shorten it to just Joshinator because world of warcraft would not let me have The. So thats it.

Ps. Tek, I thought it was quite funny how you responded to fiya after 2 months on the cor fourms.
Ps. Tek, I thought it was quite funny how you responded to fiya after 2 months on the cor fourms.
Man, if you think that's funny, you'll get a kick out of me being 6 years late in telling the story behind the "Tek7" nickname. :)
HMMMMMMMMM and still no answers........even with all THAT free time you have???? What won't it work for one of your short stories????

Blessings and Hugs, "Angel"
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Mine's from my main character's name in WoW. My roommate and I made gnome mages and though it would be cool to assault our foes with the twin attacks of fire and ice. I, being Flamethrøwer, speced for fire; and he, being Cryøgenic, speced for ice. Since we planned to play together about 99% of the time, we thought of how awesome it would be for other people to come across two gnomes in the wilderness with such names to match their specs.

My other 80's name is Redletters - loosely based off of an awesome dcTalk song, but it really represents the fact that I would like my speech to be like that of Christ's, even while playing a game (many Bibles have "Words of Christ in red").

My third alt is only 70, not 80 yet, but his name is Likeminded. It's a thing all Christians should strive to be with each other and with God, and it's an attitude I like to be reminded of while playing.

I have several other alts I could go into here, but it would take forever! Hope you like my insights :)
The people demand the story of Tek! We shall organize a "sit in" um or "post in" until we get it. Give me liberty or a moderately entertaining story!
Several years ago, when I was between screen names, some friends and I went to the zoo on a field trip or something.

Well we live in the desert, and if I recall it was the middle of the summer, so it was blazing hot that day. At one point we stop to sit down for a few minutes, and one of my friends took for himself a sliver of shade that was too small for more than one.

I wasn't about to just stand in the heat, so I tossed him out and took that shade for myself, to which he cried "you.. you shadetaker!"I went home and made it my new screen name and it's the only one I've ever really used for any length.