Co-Guild Leader Nominations

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Gnome Priest
Guild Leader Nominations are now open. You are free to nominate here on the forums. The minimum qualifications are listed below.

Guild Leader Qualifications-

• The individual must be 21 years of age OR older
• The nominee must have been a Christian for 3 to 5 years
• The member needs to have been an active asset to Redeemed for the past year
• They need to have been involved in some form of Christian Leadership before.

Every nominee will be contacted to see if they desire to run for the office of Guild Leader and they plan to fulfill the role if elected.

The nominations will be open until Friday, September 11th @ 12pm ST.

Once all nominations are set we will take some time to interview each candidate to ensure they meet the qualifications.

Elections will then open on Friday September 18th @ 12:01 PM Server time.

Details will be posted later. Elections will continue for one week. Voting will be in game and via main characters only. Double voting will result in guild removal.

Also due to the departure by Shadowbill it left me as the only Guild Leader as such I appointed Gilga as Interim Guild Leader in the meantime.

Gilga agreed to take the position on a temporary basis, however I think in the guild's best interest I think it would benefit the guild to allow him to remain until the next Elections in January therefore only leaving one spot to fill.

Based on the previous statements I would like to put forth two candidates for the remaining GL position for the guild's consideration...Samboe and Shagz.

I feel either of these two individuals if you choose one of them will be an excellent asset to the guild as a Guild Leader.

Consolidated list of nominees through morning of 9/16:

Declined Nomination
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I nominate

Reco and Cassadine

They have been in Redeemed for a long time to know the mechanics of how this guild works.. and they have the vast knowledge and expertise
for Raiding, pvp, and numerous other areas of play in WOW. They are awesome Christian men that have already displayed
a great deal of leadership ability, and both are very easy to approach with concerns or ideas. or just even to chat..
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I nominate Tree!

2nded (seconded). No more nominating raid leaders (Samboe and Angry both rock). We needs them. (unless they want to be GL, then by all means).
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i nominate tree..oh wait

i nominate Goodwone, Angry, and Lloren. All awesome choices but yeah i think I'd rather angry just have to handle the raid stuff :P
I would like to put out nominations for Reco and Lloren. I believe they have shown the knowledge, strength and willingness to help and lead the guild over the years.
I wanted to nominate Samboe and Mcfierce also but they are doing great as raid leaders and don't want them to change positions :o
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Cassadine & Lloren

These two are awesome individuals and have displayed good leadership. I think the choice is clear. Plus they are consistent with their playtime which makes them available to people.
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