Head start code


New Member
I dont get to start until the 16th. Should I go put my head start code in now or do I wait untill Tue?


P.s. Spam away just be so kind to throw an answer in there somewhere :p
Out of curiosity, what does the Warhammer website say about your headstart code? I ordered the SE, but it seems to think I've entered a CE code...

I'll see in a few hours, but I did notice the Warhammer website mentioning that those who mistakenly got CE codes wouldn't be getting CE perks in game as that's tied to the code in the box. So at least it's POSSIBLE right?
Out of curiosity, what does the Warhammer website say about your headstart code? I ordered the SE, but it seems to think I've entered a CE code...

I'll see in a few hours, but I did notice the Warhammer website mentioning that those who mistakenly got CE codes wouldn't be getting CE perks in game as that's tied to the code in the box. So at least it's POSSIBLE right?

How do you know if you have a SE or CE code?
I've been in the game since closed beta, but this morning when I tried to log on, it said my password was incorrect. I went to Amazon's website, grabbed my headstart code, entered it in the warhammer account manager, and now I can log on again. I entered the headstart code months ago, so you may be able to enter your code now and still have to re-enter it in a week.
How do you know if you have a SE or CE code?
Well, I logged into my account on the warhammer website and went to 'account management.' Then I clicked on 'features' and saw the following note:

"CE Head Start Provides access to the CE Head Start"

I assume that barring a bug, it'd say SE Head Start if you entered a SE headstart code.
I have the opposite problem as Deamiter then. I pre-ordered the CE but it won't let me in. It says that authentication fails everytime I try to log in to the game. I've tried to re-enter my head start code but it won't let me cuz it's already been used. Tried to change my account password but that didn't work either. All it says under my features in the Mythic Account Management site is "Head Start Provides access to the Head Start". Does that mean I have a SE code? If I do...that makes me a sad panda. I've also sent an email to Mythic. Hopefully I hear back from them soon...otherwise I'm calling them or driving over to work...I mean....their headquarters here... >.>
otherwise I'm calling them or driving over to work...I mean....their headquarters here... >.>

Hah! I knew it!

But, then again, once they see that rad van you're kicking around in, they'll be sure to let you in - and probably your whole guild, too!
This is my car right now...

Meli's wheels

It's actually that same color, black, and it's got a sun/moon roof and a cd changer in it. I like it so far. =D

The van is my mom's and it's not bad looking either...2008 Honda Odyssey in a goldish color.
This is off the Mythic Warhammer site....

We have been hearing some rumblings out there from players who are having Authentication issues. We are currently investigating this, and we wanted to offer some advice in the meantime. If you’re having trouble logging into the servers, please be sure that you have done the following:

1. Create a Master Account using either a Beta Key or a Head Start Key in our Account Center at: https://accounts.eamythic.com/

2. Enter your Warhammer Online keys to associate them with your Master Account

3. Use your Game Account login and password to log in to the game. Your Game Account login can be different from your Master Account login.

4. If you are unsure what your Game Account username is, consult the listing in the Account Management section of the Account Center. If you have forgotten your password, you may change it for each Game Account there, as well.

If you used a Head Start key to create your Master Account, you must either associate an Open Beta code with your account or wait until Head Start begins in order to play. If you are unsure which associations your Game Account has, click the Features tab for that account to check. Collector’s Edition Head Start begins on Sunday, Sept 14, and Standard Edition Head Start begins on Tuesday, September 16.

Please Note that we are no longer using the Beta Center for account validation. If you previously had a Beta Center account, you must create an account at the Account Center in order to play on our live (and open beta) servers.


Not sure if that applies to you but I figured that I would let you
Tried ALL of that...nothing worked until this morning when Standard Edition's Head Start begins. I sent a strongly worded email to Gamestop letting them know my problem with the code they sent me and asking them to do something about it since I was promised something and didn't get it, so I think asking for some kind of reimbursement for my unhappiness isn't terrible.