To you Ret Pally DPS haters...


New Member
Normal Mobs:


And everyone was a higher level than I was... (I am Noix...)

:) Enjoy! I know you guys can't wait to have me DPSing your raids... stop drooling... :)
It may be for your level, but at level70 it's a whole new game. If you want advice proudfoot is an amazing DPSer for Ret. He shocked me by being the Top DPSer a couple times last night in SSC and is consistantly in the top 10 DPS
I welcome new people to shoot for raider... though it is not easy for Ret pallies... Just a FYI.

While Holy Pallies you would have a better chance of raiding.
Niffty in Insanity is a Ret pally and is an awesome Dpser and one of the main raiders for Hyjal and BT
Gah Alhana you beat me to it.

Yea if you have any questions ask niffty and tell her Osirys sent you XD.

Shes also an accomplished PVPer. Shes up there with Cammandus and Azzie!
There always seems to be a 1 spot for ret pallies in all the higher up guilds. My old guild is in BT and they always bring a ret pally for some reason.
I give ret paladins GoA out of spite. :mad: Heck, I give *everyone* GoA out of spite. :cool:

In my guild, we have a paladin who would freak out when I joined the raid.

retadin: Ohhh!! An enhance shaman! You have my favorite buff in the whole wide world!
me: Grace of Air? Cool, I agree.

...and then I drop GoA. When anyone asks me if I'm going to drop windfury, I just reply with "sorry, I'm a bad shaman, I only drop GoA" and go back to mashing my buttons. :o

Pallies do it with protection:


By the way, Duston is a level 41 protection pally. DPS scales well by 70:


Yes, that is 5.5k DPS. ;)