It's Official


Gnome Priest
I moved Alhana out of Redeemed today, her and Gnimish are both in Insanity now, so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me.
Sad to see you leave, hope the new guild makes a good home and hope to see you around the forums still:)
whoa! I'm sorry I was such a jerk. Don't go. We can work it out.
Insanity has alot of nice people in it Alhana, most of them were HKers.

Have fun!

I think thats why he went to Insanity. Didn't Palace start Insanity? I thought he did anyway. I get whispers from people in Insanity once in awhile reminiscing about the good ole days in MC and BWL together :)
I hope all goes well with you wherever you go and whatever you do. I hate to see another southeastern boy go though. :(
I think thats why he went to Insanity. Didn't Pallas start Insanity? I thought he did anyway. I get whispers from people in Insanity once in awhile reminiscing about the good ole days in MC and BWL together :)

No he didn't start it, but some of his friends did though.