a 1 month's goodbyes


New Member
fellow guildmates of redeemed , my account time expires as of tommorow afternoon. i will be taking a 1 month break from WoW to work on schoolwork and grades. hopefully i will return as soon as possible after the 1 month period to WoW.

goodluck to everyone in what they go for,
signed brugalin
okay guys now your going off topic from what i wrote the message about in the first place.

That is what we do...that is what we live for...to help poor unfortunate souls...like yourself...poor souls with no where else to turn to......<starts singing the song>

Not sure why the quote from the Little Mermaid...but it popped in my head hehe
So Goblit when did you decide that you needed to Quote Little Mermaid?

I mean how far can we derail this threat. We could start posting about person below me?
You've posted 67 times, thats 66 more times than you need to realize thats what we do here... thats what we live for...

Man I have posted 91 times how and even I know that. People with over 1000 posts have no life and live on these boards way to much.