The Bourne Ultimatum

It was about as good as the other two; so if you liked the first two you will enjoy this one. One thing about the movie is that it seems to suggest another movie. (at least to me it did) Which would be awesome. Bourne movies are fun to watch
It was about as good as the other two; so if you liked the first two you will enjoy this one. One thing about the movie is that it seems to suggest another movie. (at least to me it did) Which would be awesome. Bourne movies are fun to watch

Mhm ok, is there any bad stuff in it, besides violence?
I thought it was a great movie. Number 1 is awesome and still the best of the series. Number 2 had ridiculously shaky cameras and I DID NOT LIKE IT. Number 3 was almost as great as the first. Highly recommended.
After The Bourne Identity. got butchered I haven't even considered watching the other two. It's just disrespectful to use someone's work as a loose guideline and drive it into the ground.
Unfortunately, that's how book-to-movie transformations go. I've read probably a dozen books that have become movies. The movies are nowhere near as good as the books. But I think that's the beauty of written works - they allow for so much more imagery, so much more fine detail that's hard to point out and amplify subtly on the screen.

Most authors understand that when a movie is made from their book, it won't even be close. But I'm guessing that a lot of them end up not really caring - a movie (no matter how poorly done) will get more people to buy the books...which has obvious benefit to the author.

Dahl (Willy Wonka), White (Charlotte's Web), Tolkien (LotR, Hobbit), King (Christine, It, Green Mile, and many more!), Lewis (Narnia), Rowling (Harry Potter) LeHeyes/Jenkins (Left Behind) all had fantastic books that were slaughtered as movies, but were done well enough to get new people to read the books. Books that, quite frankly, some of them I wouldn't have even considered reading had it not been for the movies.

The exceptions to that are Dahl - I read 3 of his books long before I watched the movies. I found both adaptations of the Willie Wonka book to be quite horrendous. I never could bring myself to watching James and the Giant Peach; the other is White's Web. I read that in grade school.

Pointless rant, I suppose, but I think what I was wanting to say is that you have to take the movies for what they are - condensed versions of the book, with lots of alterations to fit the entire storyline into a screenplay that lasts 90-120 minutes and keeps the action going. If it gets dull, people lose interest. It's a different approach than writing - people want the filler information because they develop a bond with the lead characters; the reader wants to know more. Authors have the ability to spend more time on the backstory, filler plot, building suspense. Movie producers have to keep you on the edge of your seat - there's no time to build the background.
as a movie series... i really enjoyed them. I thought it was a nice mix of realism and a little crazy WOW.. action. As in all movies... you can find the flaws in the physics... yet i thought it was pretty good.

Really suspenseful, great action, good storyline. All in all, i really like that series of movies though.
as a movie series... i really enjoyed them. I thought it was a nice mix of realism and a little crazy WOW.. action. As in all movies... you can find the flaws in the physics... yet i thought it was pretty good.

Really suspenseful, great action, good storyline. All in all, i really like that series of movies though.

Same here, he should have died about half way through the movie though:p
lol. that's ruin the opportunity for a sequel. Unless they go Heroes-style and bring back Bourne using the cheerleader's blood. wierd.