Respecced Holy


New Member
Hello Redeemed i noticed you were in need of healers and ive decided to respec holy for the greater good. I have 1592 healing, 75mp5 and 16.18% all unbuffed. If you want me inyour kara team id be glad to join, plz pst me or send me an in-game mail about my availability. Thanks :)
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Woot, yay for holy paladins!

Reuben should be attuned to Kara shortly, so we'll have him as well.
The requirement was for 25 mans...not for Kara...but it does all come down to the player not the gear for sure
80 mp/5 is kara I believe, and I think its higher for 25 mans but most of our top healing pallys have less than 60 mp5 heh
Kara team

Since it looks like quiet a few people are looking at this post, i was wandering if i could make an enquiry too :P

The reason why im not available for hardly any raids (that is, sunday-thursday) is because i live in Australia and it's a 16 hour time difference to server time, so whenever ur raiding im at school!
My holidays are starting tomorrow and they last for 2 weeks so i'll be available for practically every raid, so i was wandering if i could atleast be temporarily (2 weeks) placed in some kara team, because i love raiding but i just can't due to the time-difference, but since i now have 2 free weeks, i'd love to do as much as i can. Permament would be awesome, but im fine with just temporary :) So if you could please think about it i would love that, if you want some more info on anything like my gear etc., please pst me, send in-game mail, post here or send me a website email (anything really :P), Thanks Alot!

by decreasing teh MP5 , your letting pallies slide by on gear restrictions. i personally dont think this should be changed but increased to keep people on there toes with healing. the restriction of bonus healing is also another issue. 800 minimum is too easy to get , it shoudl atleast be 950 or 1000 as a friend of mine puts it.
MP5 really is useless for paladins, just like spirit is.

Requiring MP5 for pallies is the same thing as requiring spell hit rating for rogues.