Would you make a monthly pledge to ToJ?

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Okay, here's the deal.

If I upgrade the ToJ Paypal account, we start losing money on every transaction. Right now, we get 100% on all Paypal-to-Paypal transfers. Thing is, if we upgrade, we can send an automatic money request to any members who make monthly pledges to ToJ.

My question is: Would anyone be willing to pledge a monthly amount toward getting and keeping our game servers back online? I'm not talking about a lot of money--maybe $5 or $10 a month. Of course, if you want to give more, that's fine, too. Whatever's feasible for your budget.

Oh, and you don't have to answer this publicly on the forums. You can e-mail me at tek7 AT toj DOT cc with your answers, suggestions, and questions.
ColdSteel said:
Tek, Will the updated account allow automated credit card deductions?
It will definitely accept credit card payments. I'm not sure about automated deductions, though. I think so. I'd have to read up on the Paypal site or ask a more experienced Paypal user to be sure.
Talon said:
My mom says it might be 2-3% off each transaction but she's not sure.
2.9% + $0.30. You still get charged a fee even if you use automated payments.

Anyway, I'd be glad to make a monthly pledge to ToJ.
astrod00d said:
I would make a pledge but I would hate having to use Paypal to do it. Are there any other options?
If we upgraded the account, I'm almost certain those wishing to donate could do so by credit card.
It seems the general concensus is for the upgrade.

Those willing to pledge a monthly amount, please contact me by e-mail and list how much you'd be willing to donate per month. I'm going to set the minimum monthly pledge at $5, just because any less would see too high a percentage going to Paypal. Please make sure that your pledge is for a comfortable amount. I would rather members underestimate their spare funds than overestimate.

Married people: clear it with your spouse first. I don't want angry husbands or wives yelling at me.

If you can't donate, don't guilt-trip yourself. There are plenty of other ways to help; contact me for available volunteer positions.
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I've decided to wait one week to upgrade the Tribe of Judah Paypal account to allow for members to donate via Paypal. On or after Feburary 1, I'll upgrade the account and post an update here and on other threads. After that time, Paypal will take a bite of all donations.
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Heads up: I upgrade the account tomorrow, so today is the last day to donate via Paypal with the full amount going to our account. After tomorrow, Paypal will take a bite of all donations.