
Well...most any game would work, I suppose...but Q3A would be my first choice :).

Think about it though, a prom for the 1337/gamers.You and your date thro your PCs in the car and go set up as a couple at a LAN party...sounds like it would be a good idea to me. The only problem being, of course, that the world has precious few gamer/1337 chixx0rz. They exist, though :).
i am just like amorph.. i dont dance at dances, execpt slow dance, cause i would make a complete and total fool of myself.. i dont want that to happen
Works for me...I say we find some gamer chix though, and have vaLANtines day next year :). Good name?
if that happened, i would probably want KG or Andrea  
yeah.. dont refer to them as "chix" cause i heard that it means beatiful, but dumb.. so we dont wanna call our girls dumb, do we?
Actually, I believe its more of the massive lack of respect in the term. I says, if you cant hang aroundem as if they were just guys, with a couple exceptions, then your not treating them like you should. Take it from me, cause im such a social giant and everything.
Yes, Shark is quite right, actually. I rarely call them chix, actually, it just happened to be the term in the post...very odd. Anyway, apologies to all offended. I hope this won't hurt my chances of finding someone for vaLANtines day next year.
Hmm see there's not so much a lack of girls who are gamers or who are at least nerdy enough that they can game and our gaming doesn't bother them as much as there are ones who are Christian and what not. As far as dancing goes though it's not going to be fun if you care what other people think. If you haven't noticed the way people dance now a days no one "can" anyways it's just swaying and maybe the occasional foot shuffle since everyone cares too much what people think of them. Either that or they're dancing in a very shady fashion *cough*. :-\ Personally I'd just wanna get them to play some fun ska and start "skaing" (I know tis not it's name but it has such a horrible name so I'm not using it) it up. No offense meant here but most of us aren't popular in the secular scene so why care what they all think if it means you spend your high school years not having fun cause of other people. Wish I'd learned that before my Junior year.

One day, I'll find the perfect Christian girl that's into gaming, programming, web design, and computers in general, just the way I am, and is still more than brave enough to go paintballing on a regular basis.

And maybe, just maybe, she'd listen to trance as well :).
hehe toe took you to JR year to realize that i knew that my 8th grade year hehe. nah i dont dance me dancing is like carlton from Fresh prince mixed with some barney maybe that would giv eyou a goo dmental picture of me dancing.

anyway girls are good Chix are mindless and follow the masses no one here is a Chix but that term is just just so Chixish i like it at times when referring to females in general(insert foot now) but then again only 1% of the female population can be Chix cuz that is the only mindless number out there arg ramlbing