Why I don't Beleave in any man made religion.

Sorry to interrupt for a moment Eon but guess what I just read, another "prophecy": America is headed straight towards a Republican domination (also Bush has been lying all the time, but who cares?).
A Republican domination. ONE government type. It won't be too long before it's shaped into the form, of...sayyyy, a one-country ruler, with all power directed to him, Congress be damned!
Hmm. Europe? Have problems? Nyaow, nyaow!
Well...a schism, I still don't think, means we are still in a political war (though we always are) with Russia and China...I just dunno. Maybe we are, maybe we aren't, what matters is the main issues of the Cold War are no longer present in today, except that the two countries still bear major grudges and with a nervous eye watching China I can only see their escalating footsoldier army of I dunno how many millions.
Big countries with big grudges are big dangers.

A homosexual fantasy? That doesn't make you entirely gay...but when you act it out, or start a gay relationship, you are, officially in every man's book, gay. A homo. Queer. Faggot. Homosexual. Fantasies don't make you gay or straight or bisexual.
It's the action that decides you: any sexual fantasy, I suppose, could be considered rather...sinful. To a point. The act of carrying out a gay fantasy, or just performing a gay sexual act, is sin.
My friend, research points out that cigarettes kill you. Research points out that secondhand smoke kills you faster than directly smoking it. Research also points out that neither do as such. Research points out gays are born gay. Research points out gays choose to be gay. Research points out that the world is billions of years old. Research also points out that we're only millions of years old. Research has pointed out we're only about 8-10000 years old.
Huh? Research? I suppose you're gonna want papers on all those, right? Alll right. Later I'll get em for you.
Mr. Cremo, though odd, is a non-Christain creationist, that's why I gave the link, multiple viewpoints

asf for my personal history I gave my life to Christ about 7 years ago,
Only 7? How long ya been a pastor then?
Wait...let me preordain: three and a half years.
Am I right?
Somtimes I feel called to the ministry...but then I'm only 15 so I can't do much. Elmer Gantry could...but he wasted it all (plus he's fictitious so oh well).
You gotta understand, though, Kidan: your credibility assists in the potential validity of your statements. Such as Kenneth Copeland (a "pastor", a Word of Faith cultist). He thinks we're mini-God(s), that Earth is a replica of the "Mother Planet" that God's from, that Jesus never said he was God, and that God's sole intention for us is to reward us if we give to the ministry (Kenneth Copeland, primarily).
Now Copeland may have a few good sermons now and again, but his beliefs make me detest to hear his words spoken or ever read an article by him. The beliefs skewer what he says, and what he preaches is so subtle that he has obtained multitudes of probably non-thinking individuals.
So, your words can be validated by your beliefs and credibility.
Cremo...well, slightly crazed but other than that...maybe his words ARE fairly interesting.
wow i dont know what you were on when you heard his messages, but i know that he has never said any of the things that you just said. Ive probably heard him preach many more times than you and often in real life. Im assuming that you were making that up to make a piont? now your assumption of non thinking? Im also assuming you think that you ARE a thinking individual capable of sane thought. if only you would back that up with sane words or any information.

Of course you might say to me , why dont you back up your thoughts with some facts. They would be too numorous and i would not waste my time trying to prove you wrong. People will believe what they want to believe. unfortunatly some people get a nudge from the devil in the wrong direction.

mercury | Jon
Devil, devil, devil... To say that Sloth is one of the sins, he seems to be one very busy guy doesn't he?

sorry, I was holding my son while typing that earlier and didn't really proof read, that 7 shoulda been an 8

yet, I have been a youth pastor/leader and a sunday School teacher (and am currentlyt he Corps Cadet councilor for my Corps ) I have never been an actual pastor, nor have I ever felt the call to be so. a youth worker and SS Teacher that's my calling, although I would consider being a Corps Sgt. Major if asked (I attend the Salvation Army btw, so the names of various things we have are based upon the British military, any questions I'll be happy to explain).

AS for your age, that's not true. even at 15 you can start planning for ministry, and talking to your pastor, even to the point of beling allowed to lead portionso f the chruch service, or helping your youth and/or senior pastor with things. REmember TImothy was an incredibly young man when he started his ministry.
I assume that the position of Corps Sergeant Major is roughly equivalent to that of a Regimental Sergeant Major?

Good for you - from what I've seen of you, you'd make a pretty fair RSM. ;)

Reading an English book I got a question: what's AC stand for (in the RAF)?
And again to Kidan: well, uhh...my church is really, really, really small. Like there's me, my brother and our friend from when we were, like, four who ARE the youth of the church, and then there are assorted first through fourth graders when they do come now and again.
As for congregation? Probably witnessed the Nativity. When all's said and done we have maybe forty people in our church.
But I'll take your advice on it and maybe check around a bit to see what I can do.
PS: Timothy wasn't hampered by the same "age" "laws" that the US government have imposed upon us.
Aircraftsman. The lower ranks of the Airforce are;

Leading Aircraftsman
Senior Aircraftsman

They represent the ranks E1, E2 and E3 in the US forces - basically the Enlisted ranks immediately prior to NCO status.

Eon Yea, it's the highest rank you can acheive without being commissioned (becoming an ordained minister)

Grand I was a high-school student at the time, and I basically believed whatever I was told.  It was at the start of college that I started reading more, I attended a church meeting at an AoG church (yes I had been in church before, an did attend Christian churches occasionally, but I was more of an occultist, and even dabbled in demonology, than Christian) about 8 years ago and accepted Christ, and I started actively studying all aspects of Christianity and Christian beliefs, which lead to me going from the Assembly of God to the Salvation Army.

Ultima  Well that's the good thing of churches, you can be a 'volunteer' and start helping out without worry about the child labor law (an you can even work at 15 in non-farm non-industrial jobs)  I've found that pastors always welcome a member who is interested in helping out.
Demonology meaning the study of demons? Like names? Personalities? Events? Actions? What?
Non-farm...non-industrial. A grocery bagger. That's what's left for me. Dahr!
Kidan, I would like to ask this question: are there any parts of the Bible (Old Testament or New) that you believe to be untrue or inaccurate?

Ultima Yes and know. It's a form of paganism, except I was not seeking after gods, but rather lesser spirits that inhabit the earth.
No offence, Kidan, but Demonologists are a bit like Satanists - how can they be Pagan when they're essentially worshipping components of the Judaic faith, even as a counter-culture to it?

True Pagans don't worship Satan because he's a corruption of a far older God designed by the Catholic church to demonise the old ways.

Satanists don't even worship Satan - which makes sense, actually. Considering that what we know of Satan, referring to Lucifer, comes from the Bible, if you're trusting the Bible for the description of this being than you should also trust his prophecied end - and who would worship one they know is destined to lose in the final battle? Satanists are more like Humanists.
actually Eon, the dictionary defines pagan as
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]One who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew, especially a worshiper of a polytheistic religion

So by defintion my statement stands, though your point does has merit in this context.

As well as numerous other religions have references to demons (maybe not in the exact same view as a Judeo-Christian, but the primary concept of an anti-deitic or vengeful spirit)
You have a point, Kidan. The Pagan movement has hijacked the word and given it a definition slightly at odds with its original meaning - a practice I usually abhor.

Although, as has been said earlier, how you can worship Satan without acknowledging Yahweh as his superior is an interesting feat of dogmatic legerdemain.
