why bother trying your own spec


New Member
i tried my own spec , and all i got was complants from champoflight and less invites to raids which i was confused on. so im now siggesting taht the guild preset a spec for each class depending upon how they want to spec for raiding , and restrctions on what they feel they should haveto make a raid go smoother. this is a precaution that i think should be set incase of future issues with specs like mine. some people would consider this forcing a spec upon someone, but in some cases its not. i know this will have many disagreements and im ready to take them as they come seeing i started the problem in the first place.
Do what I did. Specc at least 15 pts in all three trees, that way you're most viable and flexible for the raid.
its not that simple when it comes to pallys, you have to go deep into one tree to be successful . thats why moat people ether go all healing or all protection
Bowser(Tebran) is being sarcastic Brug.

Getting invited or not getting invited to Kara or Gruul is not your spec's fault or your fault as a person. There are only a limited number of slots to be filled. And for Gruul's Lair the spots are RANDOM ROLLED. A few times I myself did NOT get an invite initially and when they needed to swap people for Gruul attempts, then I was invited. That's because my number was not rolled when they did invites at the beginning.

Let me ask you Brug, have you ever seen us turn away someone from a raid, saying "You cannot come to this raid because of your spec." for either Karazhan or Gruul's Lair?
i am going to say no to that question but seeing taht im in a perdicament with a respec to help a guildies and am now stuck protection, taht could be bad.
Other thing, tanking takes time to learn. You can't just respec tank and go raid. You must start with running five man instances and learn the skill. It is one of the toughest jobs, and as a tank I feel I haven't even mastered it and I have tanked much of Kara. I leveled mixed proc/dps running instances and you can get away with mixing specs more at lower levels, but for raiding it just gets harder to do. You may be able to offtank some with a mixed spec if you have really good gear and shield but even at that you should learn tanking skills in five man's first. We had a warrior with us in Kara one day this week who was not spec proc but was drafted into offtanking some and died, ummm, every other pull or so. He was a squishy pancake....not to mention any names but Draw, get a shield!:p It really helps a lot for dps warrior's and pallys to have tanking gear tucked in their bag for times they may be called on to temporarily perform a off-tank function. So bottom line is, if you respec tank, you need to start over again learning in five man's and not get upset if you don't get invited to raid as a tank right away.
Brug let me interject a little thought here. I myself have felt similar to your situation, not getting to go to Kara etc..for numerous reasons never because of spec. I have however respeced a little for the sake of a raid as it was mutually beneficial for myself and the raid.

Another for example..back before the rise of TBC where roles were a little more easily defined, I respecced Holy(I know I know, a great shocker there) not because I was asked or made to respec but at that time for the sake of progression in MC, I respecced Holy for the benefit of helping the guild as a whole and as time progressed and more Holy spec priests leveled or joined the guild, I returned to my first love Shadow. In the same aspect there were times in MC my priest wasn't needed but my mage was. Though I preferred playing my priest and the gear benefits were more needed for my personal playing on Alhana, I used Gnimish to the benefit of the guild. As a result I can with almost complete certainty say I am probably the only Priest in guild who played MC to never get Anathema/Benediction staff.

I say that to say this, great effort was made by the guild at numerous times to help me get the staff although to none avail, but because of my willingness to help the advancement of the guild great pains were taken to help try and get Benediction for myself. It's about giving and receiving, though it may seem you give a lot with little return. I can positively say through personal experience that it pays off in the end.

On a side note, I'm making plans to go into MC to secure my old world Staff, all are invited who will come.
I'll run MC to get you ole Benne to sit in your inventory to the end of time. Do we need to farm the Eye of Divinity for you as well? I"m sure you could solo that place but nonetheless
Sorry to burst your bubble Alhana but Heavencent never got her Bennie either. I have my Eye of Shadow sitting in my bank. Still haven't equipped it yet. *sigh* =(

And you should have an Eye of Shadow....I got it for you.... ~.~
Yep. I didn't include Heaven in my consideration as Meli was your main but yea I do recall Heaven not getting hers as well. I actually still enjoy the Old World stuff.
this is going off topic....

so to bring us back on topic...

brug u did okay yesterday with the KZ run...one advise i would have to give u is that u gotta use Hotkeys; dont click o.0

and as for the spec goes there are talent pts that are required and some are "free" pts like i said be4 look at my talent tree both PvE and PvP Spec and i do fine in raiding and bg/pvp
You can typically spec to be productive for raiding or pvp or whatever your desire. I mean Theros is a Prot Pally, I can tank bosses even though my current knowledge is limited to ST and below, I can still XP grind easily. Some of the biggest factors are your play style. I'm a fair healer but I'm an excellent DPS in my own thoughts. Basically whatever you do well, practice, practice, to become the most effective "whatever" your gonna be.
i wont use hotkeys . i have gone without hotkeys sense i started teh game and am happy the way i do things. clicking is teh best method for me and i wont change it.
i know what good is saying and i would like to go protection if we ever got enough healers taht would be on time . i knwo we have alot of tanks right now but its just when i tried it , i felt that this was something i could do .
Honestly Brug, hotkeys really make a difference. I started out as a clicker when I started the game up until I started tanking MC on Meli. Sure I was still learning but then I eventually decided to use hotkeys on her since I did on Heavencent for healing. I have stuck with hotkeys ever since. It's a lot better in my opinion because when something unexpected happens, you don't have to look for the spell you want and then click. I've memorized my bars enough that I know where everything is and since they are coordinated to the keyboard which I memorized and know like the back of my hand since the 5th grade, it's not hard to find things. Why do you say you will never use hotkeys? Why don't you just try it? What can you lose, honestly? It does take some getting used to so don't just try it for a day and say it doesn't work and go back to clicking. You have to do it for a little bit.
brug, do you play warcraft/dota?

my point is: you can just hotkey the skill with 1 of the letters that resembles the skill itself.

example: my warlock has fear as "F", so every time when i want to fear something, i move my finger from D to F, fear =)

I do have the problem of running out of hotkeys though... I currently use the entire left side of my keyboard, up to Y H B, including shift+blah blah, and i still can't get enough keys.