Unified Tribe of Judah tag

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maybe we can have like a subdomain look ... as in
or will that be confusing to people ?

probably ...
lol even people 1337 like meh and other internet users would be confused.. cuz they may think the website name is..

toj.cc.aeon -_- lol and get a bad url.. which means we lose him :/
[b said:
Quote[/b] (kasimir @ Sep. 12 2003,7:10)]maybe we can have like a subdomain look
If we were to do a subdomain look, then we'd have to set the tag as a suffix and not a prefix. For example, I'd go by Tek7.toj.cc.

This works for me, since I have a subdomain on ToJ space, but Rizz and I are the only members who have personal subdomains. I believe our web hosting service limits us to fifteen (15) subdomains, so we could not give one to every member.

Now, if Plankeye could concoct a way to redirect all failed subdomain calls to our front page, this would most definitely be something to consider.

So, what do you say, Plankeye? *G*
From what I know, IIS does not trap DNS errors. They never reach the webserver, so my first inclination is to say no go on the subdomain approach. toj.cc/Plankeye could be trapped though.

I'll look into some more this week just to see if there is another way.
That would be cool if we could each get a players page like toj.cc/ExoSlayer and then have that name in game.

but I dont think that would fit in Battle.net for simplicity i like
how about we have the tag as [[http://www.toj.cc]](tribe_of_judah)(Christian CS){visit_us_on_irc::#toj}::FoGGy oX::
i think that sums up everything
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | FoGGy oX @ Sep. 16 2003,10:41)]how about we have the tag as [[http://www.toj.cc]](tribe_of_judah)(Christian CS){visit_us_on_irc::#toj}::FoGGy oX::
i think that sums up everything
*spins around a falls backward*
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | FoGGy oX @ Sep. 16 2003,1:41)]how about we have the tag as [[http://www.toj.cc]](tribe_of_judah)(Christian CS){visit_us_on_irc::#toj}::FoGGy oX::
i think that sums up everything
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | FoGGy oX @ Sep. 16 2003,7:41)]how about we have the tag as [[http://www.toj.cc]](tribe_of_judah)(Christian CS){visit_us_on_irc::#toj}::FoGGy oX::
i think that sums up everything
no, no, you forgot the IRC server, nub!
here, watch this:

[Tribe of Judah | ToJ:Christian CS](www.toj.cc)(GamesNet.Net IRC: #toj) _Amorphus_


of course, to look cool, we'd have to do like

[TrIbE oF jUdAh | ToJ:ChRiStIaN cS](wWw.ToJ.cC)(GaMeSnEt.NeT iRc #ToJ) _aMoRpHuS_ !!!11!!111!!!11oneone!!11!!eleven!!11!!! - 1337
Focus, people, focus. -_-

Just to recap, my suggestions for a tag without the web site URL is ToJ.Player and with is [toj.cc]_Player.

Discuss. Nominate. Then we'll begin a vote, if we need to.
ooooooh Foggy is in fls

I was thinking a candy style


its TOJ inside >{//}< and _player
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