Unified Tribe of Judah tag

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Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
So, we used to use [ToJ] for Counter-Strike and all Half-Life mods. Then we held that vote and decided on "ToJ | Player"--which confused everyone who didn't know to put quotes around it when changing your name in the console. We carried that over to other games such as Quake 3 and Battlefield 1942, but it just didn't look quite right.

So, I'd like to discuss establishing a single clan tag for all Tribe of Judah chapters. Note that this includes the Starcraft chapter, so we would have to take the Battle.net account naming restrictions into account.

Please submit your ideas for a new tag, and remember...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]New Battle.net accounts names are restricted to just letters (a through z), numbers (0 through 9) and the symbols - _ . ( ) [ ].
In addition names cannot start with a punctuation mark nor can names have adjacent punctuation marks.

Post! Post now! We'll hold a poll once we've prepared all the nominations.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (LionOfJudah @ Sep. 08 2003,12:01)]personally i would keep it as it

ToJ |

and for bnet make it
i like that too but apparently the "pipe" isnt a valid character for battle.net

Anyhoo, I think unity is a good idea, and becuase of the limitations listed above i think the basic square brackets are good.
I would not have a problem with brackets except too many clans use them for their tags and it looks really dull when I go into a game and I see every clan with bracketed tags =(
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Parakletos @ Sep. 08 2003,9:21)]I would not have a problem with brackets except too many clans use them for their tags and it looks really dull when I go into a game and I see every clan with bracketed tags =(
XO i know how that feels..

I think fls's .fls. works pretty good, but all the time, its up to Tek to decide. I don't wear it much and is on with Aeon2k mostly, but i like that tag.

Brackets.. probably mostly popular tags around, but i'd say somethin diff then the brackets.






I like the first and second to last ones best. second, third, and last aren't all that nifty.
Can't have symbols adjacent to eachother, sorry LoJ and others. If we had to do anything I would nominate ToJ.Player as the tag. It's the next best thing to the pipe, nice and simple.
I think . is a good idea.. just 1 :p and for certain u can use them in bnet too..

meh sn is 9th.Aeon (not a clan, but liked it lol) so i think . is a good idea..

What we should do is gather ideas, and then make a poll for it
what if we put brackets around our names instead of the clan tag just to be different.


might look more uniform too.
What does everyone think of including the site URL in our tag somehow? I think something like toj.cc[Player] would be rather nifty; enough people likely know about the .cc domain extension now.

Just another idea. Keep 'em rollin' in!
hehe tek i thought about why not toj.ccLoJ sinse LionOfJudah wouldnt fit ;) just an idea and its a good one

mmm.. i like it (all lowercase), and its different but still 'clean' looking.

This has my vote, which means it has zealots too.
Without the "www":


With the "www":


My personal preference? [toj.cc]_Player because it advertises the web site without us having to say a thing. I would have chosen the tag that includes "www" to avoid confusion, but I think enough people are now aware of the .cc domain extension and it saves three characters in an already long tag. Also, the underscore separates the Player name from the tag so it's more visually pleasing.

Keep those replies coming in!
If we want to stick with the classic tag-only approach, then something simple and clean like ToJ.Player would have my vote. The disadvantage is that we still have to tell people our web site URL if and when they ask about ToJ. The advantage is that we only use four characters to precede the player's handle.
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