Tribe of Judah: UT2004 Competition Team

Ooo, pick me, pick me! I'm not a nub anymore promise! No more dial-up for me!

Just kidding!!! No time for something like this.
Hey Kraniac...should we get a scrim going with those who are interested, just to play around a bit?
Ok. I had planned on asking the members (when we had all of them) what day would be best for practices before setting any up, since most teams live or die based on practice attendance. For this one, though, I'll just pick a date that most people should be free:

First scrimmage is set for November 13, 2004, at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time. Meet on the ToJ server. If it isn't up, go to the first backup on this list. If the first backup isn't running, or it is full, use the second, and so on down the list.

1. Figment's Mojo Server
2. Ratman's UT2004
3. {dKc} the Experience
I don't forsee that we should need to name more backup servers than that.

I will hopefully see you all there; I will PM this post to all members and reservists.
ToJ server should be up, no prob. I should be, but can probably only stay for an hour or so. See you all tomorrow night!
Woot! Someone cometh!

And don't worry about having to leave, I'm thinking it might only be an hour or hour and a half, depending on the amount of people. If we're short some people, I'll see if I can grab some {dKc} members to beat up on us. They aren't Christians (and they can get kind of foul-mouthed on their TeamSpeak server), but the majority of them have Christ-like attitudes about competition and we wouldn't be listening to them on TS anyway. And, at least one of them is always on.
As usual I'll catch a game when I can. Make a date. CS

Hey Kraniac keep an eye out for a player named Jesus_Freak . He really plays alot of dm. I told him about toj and he seems interested and is a very good player.

I got 4 headshots in dm last night- wooot.
dial up rocks.