
I'd like to tell a personal experience of my mine about physical emotional spiritual pain.
Some of you may know that I suffer from a kidney desease of which the name I can't prenounce.
The desease is that both my kidneys produce stones extremely fast.
As of right now I have 10-12 stones in my right side and yup 4-5 on the left side and one of which has grown a liitle bigger than a dime.
As some may know last year I had to have surgery twice and the second time they went through my back.
I have suffered very much over over the years physically emotionally and yes spiritually.
Last Sunday at church at the end of the service Pastor Frank asked for those who had health issues to come to the front to be annointed and prayed over for healing.
So I went with many others believing that God would heal me and trusting in His promise that He would.
I knew that Monday I had to see my urologist and so I was interested to see if anything had happened to me at his office.
Well keep in mind this was yesterday afternoon.
He sent me for an x-ray and I brought it back to him, and lets just say that I will be going in for day surgery and then later like last year another surgery, the one where they go through my back.
As I was leaving his office and walking over to my church where my car was, I began to ask God why must I go through this time after time.
When I got home I went into my bedroom and shut the door, I then fell to my knees and with tears streaming down my face I cried out to God, asking Him why and knowing the pain that I will have to endure. Why is this happening so frequently to me.
I stood up discouraged knowing what is to come.
Why am I telling you all any of this, perhaps its because when one suffers we all suffer.
I know God will bring me through but it will be hard as usual.
You may say how?
Well this morning after my prayers I began to do my devotions and after reading it in my heart I knew that this devotion was a word from God for me.
Heres what it was it said and keep in my mind that this is a testimony of God's faithfulness.(for me anyway)

My Father is the gardener.[John 15:1]

It is a comforting thought that trouble, in whatever form it comes to us, is a heavenly messenger that brings us something from God.
Outwardly it may appear painful or even destructive, but inwardly its spiritual work produces blessings.
Many of the richest blessings we have inherited are the fruit of sorrow or pain.
We should never forget that redemption, the world's greatest blessing, is the fruit of the world's greatest sorrow.
And whenever a time of deep pruning comes and the knife cuts deeply and the pain severe, what an inexpressible comfort it is to know:"My Father is the gardener."

John Vincent, a Methodist Episcopal bishop of the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries and a leader of a Sunday school movement in America, once told of being in a large greenhouse where clusters of luscious grapes were hanging on each side.
The owner of the greenhouse told him,"When the new gardener came here, he said he would not work with the vines unless he could cut them down to the stalk.
I allowed him to do so, and we had no grapes for two years, but this is now the result."

There is rich symbolism in this account of the pruning process when applied to the Christian life.
Pruning seems to be destroying the vine, and the gardener appears to be cutting everything away.
Yet he sees the future and knows that the final result will be the enrichment of the life of the vine, and a greater abundance of fruit.

There are many blessings we will never recieve until we are ready to pay the price of pain, for the path of suffering is the only way to reach them.

Ahh so there it is and interesting as well was that in the Sundays service right at the start Pastor Frank was letting us know that we are blessed and he told us to turn to the person beside us and say "You areblessed".

As to the scripture verse "My Father is the gardener"[John 15:1] I definitetly can relate for I to am a garderner by trade.

I am blessed and I am looking forward to the great abundance of fruit that will Glorify God.

I know God can heal me and its a promise I believe in for myself and yet through it all I say "God's will be done in me."


I walked a mile with PLEASURE,
She chattered all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with SORROW,
And never a word said she;
But oh, the things I learned from her
When SORROW walked with me.
I thank God for comforting you dear brother!
You have comforted me greatly as I witness'd your faith this day! :D
And yes! He is the pruner, and the vinedresser as well! :)