Steam 4-packs


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Let's use this thread to find others who want to split the cost of a 4-pack on Steam.

I'll start us off: Anyone want in on a Shoot Many Robots 4-pack in the next 3.5 hours? The 4-pack is on sale for $7.49.
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Yeeeah, and it's from the team that ported Mass Effect to the PC. That's a strike against them right there.
It's a fun game but I'd buy Orcs must die first. The game is fun and does offer quite a bit of content but gets repetitive.
I decided to skip it because my backlog is crazy long and I lost 20 minutes of progress to the elevator bug in Mass Effect once.

No, I'm not kidding. That really did influence my decision.
That sounds about right. After a long day of training a beer really restores my health.
Now, if it were a bear, that'd be another story.


/makes sure Ursen isn't looking


On topic: Once I have le monies again, I'd get in on a Street Fighter AE four pack at the $15 a person price point. AE's not exactly my favorite fighting game ever, and I'll still want to re-get it on PS3 at some point, but I have friends who already play it on PC, and I'd be down with playing it with them, too. Not to mention that three other people would also be getting it. :D
On topic: Once I have le monies again, I'd get in on a Street Fighter AE four pack at the $15 a person price point. AE's not exactly my favorite fighting game ever, and I'll still want to re-get it on PS3 at some point, but I have friends who already play it on PC, and I'd be down with playing it with them, too. Not to mention that three other people would also be getting it. :D
SSFIVAE was on sale for $10 on Steam recently. I'd recommend holding out for the same price point, especially since the game comes saddled with Games for Windows Live (which is why I decided not to buy the game even at the $10 sale price).
My arcade sticks are all setup to work on PC/PS3. :D

Though, surprisingly, fighting games aren't altogether awful on keyboard. Some people even build stickless arcade sticks (HitBox being the major branding for it) to reflect keyboard input philosophy. :O

Sticks are still my favorite way to go, though.

And... ewww at G4WL. Nice to know it was available at $10, though. :O Still... do not want G4WL. Wasn't the end of the world in the games I've played with it, but still not a fan.
And... ewww at G4WL. Nice to know it was available at $10, though. :O Still... do not want G4WL. Wasn't the end of the world in the games I've played with it, but still not a fan.
Yep, GFWL is the sole reason I didn't buy SSFIVAE at $10.

And like Kendrik said, yes, a PS3 FightStick (or at least certain models) work wonderfully with a Windows PC. I just plugged mine in and it worked. No need to install drivers.
The Renegade Ops 4-pack is $7.49 today on Steam. I already own the game, but I encourage others to use this thread to coordinate a group purchase (provided the initial buyer trusts the others wanting to buy the game)!
/bump for Borderlands 2 ($90 for a 4-pack) and Torchlight II ($30 for a 4-pack) sales on Steam today
Anyone want to go in on a Castle Crashers 4-pack ($15 total, $3.75 per copy)?

If so, post a reply or message me on Steam.
Well, I may go back on my decision not to buy SSFIVAE on sale. Not sure yet.

Would there be 3 others interested in buying SSFIVAE for PC? If so, we could split the cost of a 4-pack, bringing the price from $10 to $7.50.
Well, I may go back on my decision not to buy SSFIVAE on sale. Not sure yet.

Would there be 3 others interested in buying SSFIVAE for PC? If so, we could split the cost of a 4-pack, bringing the price from $10 to $7.50.
I'm up for it.
Okay, I found one more so I went ahead and bought the 4-pack.

We're still looking for one more. If you want to buy SSFIVAE PC for $7.50, send me a PM and I'll reply with my personal Paypal address. Once I have the money, I'll send you the game over Steam. If I don't already have you on my Steam Friends list, be sure to include a link to your Steam profile in your PM as well.
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Okay, the fourth copy has been claimed. Thanks to the buyers!

Josh: I'll send you a PM with my PayPal address.

EDIT: PM sent.
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