i know they hit pallys with the nerf bat - pretty much b/c they were 1/2 shotting people, which has seemed to go down quite a bit since the hotfix where some changes made it in (i.e. i can have a decent chance to survive against one now as long as i can keep them on the edge of mass dispell range).

...i still think they need to hit other hybrids with it and/or change their model....pure dps classes should excel at dps - 3-5% is not excelling
I used to think the same thing about mages and shadow priests when I played my rogue. Redeemed was the ONLY guild willing to take as many rogues as we took to MC. DPS was all we did, we sat around twiddling our thumbs and whining about buffs while waiting for everyone else to buff us, and then when the talent build for BC came out all of a sudden Rogues went from the top 3 in DPS to lucky to get one of us into the top 5. If you wanna QQ moar then Rogues should always be #1 on damage because that is all they can do, they dont make mana biskits or buff anyone so they should be 10% more DPS than a mage.
you can buy biscuits ;)

rogues: some debuffs in the form of poisons, but most importantly - a fequent threat dump - if a rogue is threat capped, you have to l2play whereas a mage or lock can easily become threat capped with a marginal tank; now they also get a misdirect ability to further mitigate threat issues

locks: debuffs in the form of curses, LONG cooldown on threat dump, healthstones

mages: imp scorch / winter's chill debuffs, focus magic (single target buff)...and uh...biscuits and a not so great overall buff, LONG cooldown on threat dump

so they're pretty on par with each other so i don't see why one would need to be particularly higher than the other, especially by 10% :) maybe here is where a 2-3% difference between the classes would be appropriate, but the hybrids should be well lower than that
If your argument is that rogues get a better threat dump than a mage than I think that agrees with my point that they should have 10% more DPS than a mage if they can dump the threat:)
Judgement of the Wise now grants the paladin 15% of his base mana. (Down from 33%)

Blizz just broke Ret... again. I'm hoping this doesn't make it to live. Being unable to sustain a regular dps rotation for a decent amount of time is wrong. From the calculations on Elitist Jerks we will have to remove Consecrate completely from our rotations in PVE if we intend to last an entire boss fight (a big nerf to PVE dps which they claimed was fine and wanted to keep the same). We won't be able to heal ourselves or throw hand spells unless we like being oom thus completely removing our "utility". In PVP this will again cripple Ret and we become very easily mana burned to uselessness.

Blizz shouldn't be doing sweeping damage nerfs across the board this late in devolopment. Holy and Prot leveling just got screwed. Holy already has the lowest damage output of any healer (and Blizz acnowledged this). Most said that Ret damage needed a nerf but why they also nerfed the other specs is beyond me.
There are no pure healing or pure tanking classes for a reason.

And as long a Blizzard continues to react with knee jerk reactions, they will never figure out how to correctly rebalance the game.