
Flyleaf Reaches an Audience that usually is not Christian. SO they may seem a little dark but Bands like them need to be here to reach out to Non Christians. If Jesus was on Earth today He would be in the Mosh pits and at the Hip Hop Concerts. Here are a few other people you might think are Dark but sing about awesome things. Eowyn, Plumb, and of course Flyleaf.
It is not really Gothic. I am no where near Gothic neither are any of my friends infact most of the People who listen to Flyleaf are not even gothic. Stereo Typing by Christians is why most people hate Christians it is sad.
Non christians love christianity but hate christians...
Actually, I've met quite a few who hate the very thought of Christianity. They absolutely detest the slightest hint that there may be something higher than themselves, something to which they must answer.

Actually, go to a liberal enough university and you will find every type (which I did)...
i saw on GW some guy said his friend standing behind him was santanic to me... i left the town
It is not really Gothic. I am no where near Gothic neither are any of my friends infact most of the People who listen to Flyleaf are not even gothic. Stereo Typing by Christians is why most people hate Christians it is sad.

I still don't like Flyleaf.

Woohoo! Guess who now has Kevin Max's Stereotype Be? Someone apparently "hinted" to my husband that I wanted it.

That would be C$. Thanks.
Oh, and btw, I'm wearing blue jean shorts, a red polo shirt, and I have (semi-)short blonde hair. I'm about as far from goth as you can get.

And I like Flyleaf. :D

Interesting. I've heard that the majority of kids who are into hip-hop are actually white males, just trying to do what's cool. I was into rap very briefly in the early 90's (RUN DC, other stuff I'd be too embarassed to admit) pretty much because a friend of mine was into it - and he was definitely trying to be cool and get dates. He drove a Yugo which had a large speaker in the back where the back seat used to be. It was fun to put a nickel on his hood when he cranked his stereo up and watch it jump around. Once I was driving his Yugo and I ran it up a curve and the muffler fell off - of course the heavy-bass music was cranked up so I didn't even notice. HE noticed though, since he was following behind me in my car. I never got to drive his car after that... :D
