Time to rock and roll!

Picture #1 - Behold, my computing area! This is my gateway to the realms under my charge.

Picture #2 - This is my secondary computer. Marvel at its 100MHz glory!

Picture #3 - Case open!

Picture #4 - Case closed! MWAH HA HA! ph33r my bad puns!

Picture #5 - I could have detailed this picture like Rizz did, but...well...I'm tired. -_- But you can pick out a lot of cool stuff. Like my webcam, my phone, my mouse, my keyboard, my stereo, my R2-D2 and Ruri-chan figurines, my Get Fuzzy calendar, my change thingy, my mini-MP3 player, my gel wristpad, my wallet, and a spindle of CD-Rs. Oh, and of course, a screenshot of these very forums.


Picture #6 - A different perspective.

Picture #7 - Meet my chairs. Little chair and big chair. They'd say "hi" back, but, well...they're chairs.

Picture #8 - My new chair is sooo~ cool. Unfortunately, it won't scoot underneath my desk. >_<

Picture #9 - Hey, don't look at me! Jon (a.k.a. Elihu) bought me that Pink Floyd blacklight poster.

Picture #10 - ph33r my m0nk3ys of d00m!

So there you have it, everyone! My room!
Tek, pal....I must say....You have no life :p

No, really, nice setup. Lurve teh moosik setup. Monkeys you could do without. Pink Floyd? *Kisses your feet* I give you my approval and then some. Tell Jon nice choice of music posters ^_^. Anyways, yes, you can die happy now because Vanaze the Poofy has approved of your computer setup and your room.
Wow ... it's really interesting to see the different 'work' environments people have ... I'd show you guys my room, but apart from the piles of clothes and other clothes hanging off the curtain rail, and a bed that takes up half the space, there really isn't that much ... plus, with no 'Net connection at home, I do all my computing either at work or at the Church.

Tek, your wrists must be rubber mate, I have to have my whole forearm resting on the desk or else mine absolutely cane after an hour or so!

Anyways, to you guys who haven't posted yet, c'mon! We've shown you ours ... :p


Brak :)
lol is it some sort of strange coincidence that all ToJ bigwigs have stuffed monkeys in close proximity to them.
I wanted to mention that but was afraid a monkey would come and pay me a visit .... at night ..... armed with ....with ... a sniper rifle of course (what did you think ;) )

Alright guys heres my n00bzor area!!!!

Picture # 1

Yup I coped Rizz

A= my 2 guitars
B= my n00bzor cpus
C= my 1337 slippers!
D= my 1337 pink doggy!
E= my 2 amps + my camoflagued speakers
F= place where I find my headphones and my microphone... Id use the microphone but nobody talks to me!!!!!!!

Picture # 2

This is just a picture of how it looks in the dark... yeah I know its boring... HUMOR ME!!!

Picture # 3

Yes I admit it, I have a stuffed monkey too... hes right above the comp on a shelf... but the 1337 part is that my stuffed monkey is holding a clown monkey!!! moahaahah

yupss... my domain
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tek7 @ Mar. 01 2003,1:44)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mandrake-Ninja @ Feb. 28 2003,11:15)]You look like an art teacher I know
Whaa? Who looks like an art teacher? o_O
no no he lookx more like my old youth leader.. alas, he was l33+
Well, my gaming area has no lava lamps. No stylish pink monkeys. Boo hoo. All I have is my piles of empty bottles and candy wrappers. I have no stylez. I have one poster left on the wall in my room, and its a geeky one. Bleh. I'm so plain, I almost feel amish. I have many, many games here though. :Blues:
I have a lava lamp in my corner, but I ran out of outlets and cant turn it on
I have a uber 133+ duck though!!! I took the pix of my corner, I just have to put them up once my dad sets up the card reader thingy.
I'm thinking this thread deserves a highlight on our news page, or the upcoming monthly newsletter, or...something.
my bass is the pwnzor!!! but... the guitar... well its n00bish

its an Ibanez..... cant remember the model! back to playing!!!