lurker analysis

If we have 3 pallies next time, we'll use your idea Sandric, having 1 of the pallies be the Pally healer for the other 2 and himself if need be.

People need to pay attention to Spout, and need to not attack the sheeps, and the fight is won.
might be a little easier to group the people on the small islands in the same group, i can memorize the people on all 3 islands no problem, but looking for their names gets complicated. lock and shadow priests needs to health pot if you are below 50%, you have a chance of getting killed if healers cant heal you fast enough.

whirlwind can be healed through, melee can stay in and dps all they want, 1 lifebloom will cover the damage.

i still don't get why people are dying, lurker is a fight where unless it is a wipe, there's just simply no reasons to die. please list the reasons you died here so we can see what exactly is the problem.

and healers on the big island, you can ONLY stand on the outer edge, period. you move in, you get hit, and you heal yourself and let other people die or you heal them and you die.

other than the healers that's healing the MT, the other healers needs to memorize all other players' locations and memorize which players you are healing, fail to do so result in you trying to find the person to heal while getting killed by lurker.

imo as long as you are not the pally healer spam healing the MT the entire fight, being aware of your surroundings at all times is the most important skill to acquire.
the main reasons i died was one. i got knocked back swam back but potted on way back got there had 110 hp and then i got hit by a waterbolt.
the only reasons i died was either we wiped or was the one add was ignoring my freezing traps
i am looking at teh report q posted... i died 4 times. 3 times were from adds and once was lurker.
i know one of the times my island got a 3rd add that wasnt expected and the other 2 the mob ignored my trap and the CD was down
Throwing this out on the table:

Can we not put the people on the islands in the same group as those on the same island and have three seperate groups? That way, a CoH thrown on that group heals that group. It's my opinion that every healing priest finds away to pick up light well. This fight is one of those fights where if we can give the dps more self serve heals, the better the chances of success. Thinking of it now, which is too late for last night, on top of being able to CoH each satallite island, it would be nice to drop a light well on each island after the first submerge so they can heal themselves. That way, at 3k health down, they tap the Lightwell once and in 6 seconds (barring taking any more damage) they are back to full health at a fraction of the mana cost.

I think, and again I am just throwing this on the table, our healing priests are gimping themselves and the raid by trying to keep improved divine spirit and leaving lightwell out of their builds.
EVERYONE needs to learn how to survive on themselves.

don't count on someone else to save you, it's like when a warrior charges at you in arena, what do you do? stand there and hope your healer can heal you in time? or use your cc ability like fear/scatter shot/stun etc?

reasons to die in a fight like lurker other than a wipe = 0

pay attention, and react faster, the ability to use all your skills correctly at the right times is needed not only in pvp, but in pve as well.
i noticed ppl arent going deep enough at spout! u need to either dive or press "X" once! we cant have ppl dying as fast.

the only times i died was for the wipes and once from the adds on our new method and it was because i didnt plan right.

we arent lacking the dps! we r lacking the focus to do the task
los issues with the healer? i get that a lot, if you get hit and get knocked into the water when i'm still on the island, you'll be out of los. which doesn't make any sense but it's just how it works.

hunters are good at handling adds, traps can be put down before the adds get to their spot, then one of the adds will be frozen right after it arrives.

the ranged adds has 24k health, should be easy to kill within a matter of seconds. even the melee adds only have 60k ish health, just think of one of those forge-destroyers in heroic mech, with twice the dps you can get from a 5-man, those things should go down quickly.

Chinatown's guild does not sheep any of the adds, they burst down the 2 ranged adds in about 10 seconds then kill all melee adds with focused fire.

strategy is dependent on the raid, if our ccers are having trouble doing their job, then having a tank to do it for them instead might be better, listen to people from another guild helps, but we don't have their raid composition, so it might not work for us. for example: if we try to keep melee add sheeped, and our mage was under water during a spout while the sheep pops, it is pretty much a guaranteed wipe.

PvE content in this entire game is a simple "follow the instructions" game, i don't use a boss mod unless some of the timers are really important. for fights like void reaver, lurker, and entire karazhan, i turn my boss mod off, and i do just fine. in the end, finding what suit our style best is what makes a raid work. i sometimes run in a circle for spout too when i feel like it, since it allows me to reach everyone who was getting hit, and as long as i survive and i'm doing my job, i don't see what's wrong with it. most of our death comes from the 3 melee adds, so our focus right now should be on how to best control these 3 guys with our raid composition. I've seen goodwone picking up the add the moment they are available for hostile action, so having tanks tanking them should work for us too. I do notice i sometimes get shot from the ranged adds. the island people needs to do a better job at CC, fear is good, but it breaks fast. sheep/trap is better, and having 1 of those on each island knowing exactly when/where the ranged add spawns so the entire island can have a focus fire order may be better.
Maybe we should do what we did on Rag: Collapse down to one point and aoe the crumbs out of the adds.
We're going to handle the fight differently next time. Like Ill said, the 3 Guardians on the inner ring are what's killing us, when they break loose, don't get tanked right away, etc. So we're going to put 1 warlock on each of the outer 3 islands, and perhaps the hunters on the outer islands as well. EVERYONE else will be on inner ring. The warlocks/hunters will deal with the 2 adds on the outer islands by themselves. It shouldn't too hard to do that. The rest of the DPS will kill all 3 Guardians 1 by 1, starting with the MT's Guardian first and working their way around.

All the ranged DPS on the inner circle will have to stand at the back edge of the ring to ensure that you don't get hit by whirlwind. And we have to be spread out around the circle so we don't all get hit by Geyser and its knockback.

Since we'll be on the inner circle we can't go all out DPS right away, but since there's no enrage timer, that's ok.
thats a bad idea putting range on the inner circle; the fight is as simple as it looks. All range dps on the outside circle; separate them equally and must have CC's on each island. Tank above the water, MT should have boss mod and should see whats coming. If you see whirlwind coming hop into the water so you don't get knock back and come back up after its over. Have 1 or 2 healers just focus heal the MT. It's best to have 2 OT to tank the melee adds that spawns. Focus down the island adds and then go help kill the tank's add. And pretty much just rinse and repeat.

Healers make sure you stand on the other edge of the circle.
Prepare for spout when lurker comes back up.
Practice how to get in and out of the water fast.
The Guardians are what's killing us so we have to deal with them by killing them all. To do that we need the majority of the DPS on the inner ring focusing on them. If we can all be on the outer islands for phase 1, then move to the inner ring for phase 2 that's fine. Everyone just needs to pay attention.
cant ranged hit them just fine from the outer islands anyway? just focus on the 3 in the middle first?
Well, after next week's patch, I'll have over 400 spell damage in my healing set for threat generation. I could see about swapping in a couple of my tanking pieces to make me a little less squishy so i could be used as an off healer/off tank for the fight. I won't burn up the healing meters at that point but it sounds like we really need extra control on the adds more then anything.
If they can reach Lurker, they can reach the adds.

Problem is that the 3 in question are spread out across the inner ring, and there's no way for *everyone* on the outer islands to be able to hit them.

Each island can likely only hit one mob, i.e. there is no raid level focus fire which given the overall DPS, seems to be necessary.

This is where I'd normally say for those that don't have crafted sets or better pieces in those slots...go make them...please! Oh wait, I just did :)