Laggy Servers

Whon - when you spike from 50 to 500, make sure your h4x are turned in the OFF position. It's not's h4x!

shhhh... that's a screat move... just like my cl_connectionproblems h4x that drops me out of the server before anyone gets wise to me
hey was wondering if we have any updates on this?

For some reason it only happens to me on ToJ (only servers i enjoy playing on).

I spent like 45 mins today on a wc3 mod Dallas server and kept a constant 80-90ish ping.

While on ToJ i can connect anywhere from 40-70 and have spikes upwards around 500+

Is this something we have in the settings or smething on our host's end that could need to be addressed?
I would venture to guess that it's because there are other game servers running on the same LAN, let alone box that is causing most of these spikes. Either the server or the LAN cannot handle the traffic.
so its a problem with laggyservers?

if that is the case have we talked to thema bout it at all?
Well, I'll say this again - for the leniency they have provided for us in payments and service, this is a steal...

If we could afford a higher-end server at a bigger facility then we wouldn't be having this conversation!

In all honesty, yes it does do something. Often times people feel that only giving a couple of dollars does not make enough of an impact so they don't. That is why most Churches deal with only 10-20% percent of their members that tithe. Just look at what Jesus did with a some fish and a couple of loaves of bread. Do not get discouraged and feel that your donation would be meaningless. With God, even the smallest thing can be made into so much more.

Just think, we have some 300 members. If everyone gave a couple of dollars a month, there would be no reason why we couldn't host servers for every chapter we have and continue to grow this ministry.
Becareful about "saying you have to give".  The Bible makes it pretty clear how we should give:

"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

That first part is the tough one.  That means that there isn't some calculation that you can follow to determine what you should give.  Following what your heart says means your are following where God is leading you to give.

The second part is important too.  If you feel you are required to give or "have to some how give" than you are not cheerfully giving from your heart.  All though God can put that money to use, it will not be blessed and the giver will not be blessed.

So what you have to look at is where is your heart leading you.  The very fact that you posted here is telling me that something is tugging at your heart.  Pray about it.  Get a better understanding.  Find out if that is really what God wants you to do.  It may not be ToJ that needs that extra couple of dollars you have.  But once you find out what that purpose is and you feel God leading you to give, you will feel so much better about the gift as it will not only bless those who receive it but also yourself.
