Laggy Servers

Que Pasa

Active Member
I read a story about a man, a donkey, and his son. All were walking down a road, anyway the moral of the story is you can't please everyone. Our last server change from DaemonServers (I think that was it??) actually caused me an increase in ping of about ~15ms. I'm not upset about that at all though.

Crenix - Although you may experience a deacrease in ping, someone out there is definitely going to experience an increase. Do you have a particular reason why laggyservers is so bad? Do they spike a lot, or is the ping just high in general? I haven't noticed any major problems at all while connected to our server on my less than desireable saturated college OC3.
i have noticed of late out of no were i will get insane lag spikes on babo server ( goes from anywhere in 50's-80's to 300-1K+++ ) with some massive choke/loss.

I havent beening playing on ToJ1 to much because of the map ration... although i think i will play there to test it out.
its been very inconsistent (i typically play all times during the day) and massive spikes and lots of choke (this is the first time I have ever gotten choke) occuring recently as well.

its probably been as bad as its every been the last 2-3 months, but ToJ is the only server I play in so I'm not sure if its steam or laggyservers.
Elite and I are working on setting some of the server variables to better the choke/loss/and possibly the ping.  We'll let you know when we've set them.
Laggier than ever.
I know I for one have been lacking in the finacial support of the servers (when I get a full time job working and settled in it should help) so I'm extremely greatful for what we have now and it is a total blessing compared to when I first started on toj and we didn't have a server at all, save for the sharing of fls/toj.
Let's just say that Laggy Servers is very lenient when it comes time to pay the bill. Speaking of paying the bill - is anyone else besides Plankeye interested in donating some cash to this cause? I know I have a hard time shelling out that hard earned cash just so members can criticize everything, from the server admins to the lagginess.

I'd be more apt to switch to something else if we did indeed have a GUARANTEED amount of cash coming in - but that simply is not the case and hasn't been the case since we've gotten our first server...
I don't want everyone to feel "guilty" - because this is a place for many of us to call home. I know a lot don't have money, but you have offered to help out with time and services and I really appreciate that. So, don't feel guilty because you haven't contributed actual cash, I understand it's tough in this day and age...
woot i dont know what elite or goose did, but last night a constant 40ish ping with like 1 choke ( when i first joined the server thats normal)
i love you guys!
I find myself getting packetloss that fluctuates from 0-7 with a pretty consistant 1-3 choke, I don't help pay for the server so I really have no right to complain so I'll shut up now
Well, I updated the rates this morning so let me know what you guys are getting through-out the day. I am not sure if I have to restart the server, though, for the changes to take affect or if it happens on a map change? Anyone know? I'm at work right now anyways, so I couldn't do it if I tried.
not so good at home on th3e desktop i am avearaging between 2-7 loss on toj 1 with an occasional 1 choke
i was on cs2 also have the same choke/loss problem... it may be my desktop i dont know, everything seems fine on my laptop