Sorry to bring up an old post, but I have been hearing alot of info about this subject lately. I don't profess to be an expert and I know I'm guilty as anyone in damaging mother earth, but I heard some criticims about Lord Richard Monckton. First, he is a politician and not an expert in climate science. Two, if u trace the money trail, he and other "scientific" organizations that debunk climate change are funded by big oil conglomerates. They have a good thing going, making ALOT of money and they don't want it to change. Of course they are going to want you to think that's it's not our fault. They want us to think everything is fine and just go on doing what we're dong. Just drive our big cars, burn fossil fuels and fill the air with vehicle exhaust, it does nothing to the environment. All that smog coming out of factories? no biggie, it’s harmless. Eat drink and be merry. Think back to when science was starting to prove smoking was bad for you, the tobacco companies got scared and fought back by spending millions of dollars in promoting the thought that cigarettes are harmless. We all now know smoking is bad for you and it’s a fact.

I probably side more on the climate change is happening rather than not. In British Columbia here, we have this little pine beattle that destroys trees, which in turn has been devastating to our lumber industry. In the past, nature would just take care of the beattle because the cold winters would kill them; however, in the recent decade or 2, the winters have not been cold enough to kill these little pest and they thrive. I'm also seeing some weird weather patterns in the city where I live, a couple winters ago, we had one of the most brutal storms; parts of our Stanley Park (major tourist site in our city) was destroyed. Last winter, we had the worst snow fall in recent memory; we usually don't get much snow at all. The snow lasted for weeks, usually it’s gone in a couple days.

In our human history, we have had important issues such as slavery, women’s rights, African American Civil rights, Vietnam, abortion, gay rights: climate change may be the issue of our time. It is an “inconvenient truth”, which forces us to look at our lifestyles and if you’re convicted, it forces you to make changes. Heck, I don’t like changing, I like the way I’m living right now; however, if you decide not to closely examine the claims of climate change, do it for your children and think of the world you may be leaving for future generations, if there’s a world left.
Sorry to bring up an old post, but I have been hearing alot of info about this subject lately. I don't profess to be an expert and I know I'm guilty as anyone in damaging mother earth, but I heard some criticims about Lord Richard Monckton. First, he is a politician and not an expert in climate science. Two, if u trace the money trail, he and other "scientific" organizations that debunk climate change are funded by big oil conglomerates. They have a good thing going, making ALOT of money and they don't want it to change. Of course they are going to want you to think that's it's not our fault. They want us to think everything is fine and just go on doing what we're dong. Just drive our big cars, burn fossil fuels and fill the air with vehicle exhaust, it does nothing to the environment. All that smog coming out of factories? no biggie, it’s harmless. Eat drink and be merry. Think back to when science was starting to prove smoking was bad for you, the tobacco companies got scared and fought back by spending millions of dollars in promoting the thought that cigarettes are harmless. We all now know smoking is bad for you and it’s a fact.

I probably side more on the climate change is happening rather than not. In British Columbia here, we have this little pine beattle that destroys trees, which in turn has been devastating to our lumber industry. In the past, nature would just take care of the beattle because the cold winters would kill them; however, in the recent decade or 2, the winters have not been cold enough to kill these little pest and they thrive. I'm also seeing some weird weather patterns in the city where I live, a couple winters ago, we had one of the most brutal storms; parts of our Stanley Park (major tourist site in our city) was destroyed. Last winter, we had the worst snow fall in recent memory; we usually don't get much snow at all. The snow lasted for weeks, usually it’s gone in a couple days.

In our human history, we have had important issues such as slavery, women’s rights, African American Civil rights, Vietnam, abortion, gay rights: climate change may be the issue of our time. It is an “inconvenient truth”, which forces us to look at our lifestyles and if you’re convicted, it forces you to make changes. Heck, I don’t like changing, I like the way I’m living right now; however, if you decide not to closely examine the claims of climate change, do it for your children and think of the world you may be leaving for future generations, if there’s a world left.
if you trace the larger amount of money it goes to organizations like the UN whose publicly stated purpose in this is to create a one world gov't. It's also jsut a total scam.

I am most assuredly not financed by the oil companies and the inconsistencies are too hard to ignore. I ahve yet to see anything credible in terms of PRO global warming(now called climate change). Don't fall for the scaremongering which is what "global warming" really is.
I could talk for hours on this subject. Take a look at this site, I love CO2. Contributors are scientists (not celebrities), they know what they are talking about, they know their stuff. Besides all the science, think about this:

Are we such power beings that we have the ability to destroy or save planets from destruction? Is this another attempt to be God-like? Did we forget the garden of Eden? The garden did make us God-like, with unintended consequences. Being God-like in thinking we can save the planet (assuming it needs it) will come with unintended consequence. Are you prepared to live with them?
The scam has been revealed. Hundreds of megs of documents blowing the lid off this scam is now public. Scientists in this scam are nothing more than money whores or elitists who want more power. I've been saying this for years..been accused of not caring about the truth...even been accused of being a reliable servant of evil..but alas it is not i but these criminals who are the servants of evil:
I do not reply in detail to your post Chanmanx to offend you, but to offer open and frank discussion on the subject. Which to date there has been none. Al Gore and David Sazuki may say "The debate is over", I say "show me the transcripts." And below is just one of many transcripts I have had on this issue.

Sorry to bring up an old post, but I have been hearing alot of info about this subject lately. I don't profess to be an expert and I know I'm guilty as anyone in damaging mother earth

Mother Earth?

but I heard some criticims about Lord Richard Monckton. First, he is a politician and not an expert in climate science.

Al Gore is a politician and not a scientist as well. David Sazuki claims to be a scientist but has not published a peer reviewed scientific paper since 1972. He does not do the scientific research for his show "Nature of Things" he is just the host. Just as a point of reference, I was born in 1972. So through out my whole life, he has not done any qualified scientific research.

Are either of them any more qualified?

Two, if u trace the money trail, he and other "scientific" organizations that debunk climate change are funded by big oil conglomerates.

And yet the governments have spent $79 billion on the single theory that global warming is man made. That is not half, it is not twice, that is not 5 times, it is not 100 times, it is 3,000 times that of oil companies. Perspective.

They have a good thing going, making ALOT of money and they don't want it to change.

How does that logic fit in with the facts when they are reversed? What does the government gain in spending 3000 times more supporting Al Gore and David Sazuki's positions? If the logic is 'he who spends more must be hidings something', then why are we questioning the motives of the minority player?

Of course they are going to want you to think that's it's not our fault.

Over the last 200 years, the CO2 content in the atmosphere has only gone up 0.4% per year, not the 1% they claim. And not all of that is man made. Only about 3% of the increase in CO2 is attributed to man. Mans contribution is so insignificant, to accept blame is a form of narcissism or idolatry.

They want us to think everything is fine and just go on doing what we're do{i}ng.

Thats the point, everything is fine. More CO2 is actually not the enemy. It is proven that CO2 levels of 1500PPM (which is 1.5% of the atmosphere) will cause vegetation on earth to grow more healthy, strong and abundantly. Increasing CO2 may actually bring back farm lands in area's where world hunger is the highest. CO2 is a building block of life, not a destroyer of life. And not that I am supporting the idea we should be at 1,500PPM either. The current 385PPM is not the lowest the earth has experienced it is also no where near the highest.

Just drive our big cars, burn fossil fuels and fill the air with vehicle exhaust, it does nothing to the environment.

Nobody has said that but apparently, the effects are not what the AGW'ers are saying they are. As a matter of fact, the affects appear to actually be insignificant.

All that smog coming out of factories? no biggie, it’s harmless.

CO2, Methane and such are invisible, you can not see CO2 or Methane. When you see white puffy stuff coming out of smoke stacks of factories, it is not CO2, it is not Methane, it is water vapor. CO2 and Methane and other gases as the result of combustion must be by environmental law properly released separate from the byproduct of producing heat, which is steam, which is what you see coming out of factories.

Eat drink and be merry.

I do, within reason. But still, none the less, with Christ as my Lord, how can I not?

Think back to when science was starting to prove smoking was bad for you, the tobacco companies got scared and fought back by spending millions of dollars in promoting the thought that cigarettes are harmless. We all now know smoking is bad for you and it’s a fact.

They actually used scientific methods to determine that smoking is harmful. They have not used scientific methods to determine if man made greenhouse gas is affecting the climate.

I probably side more on the climate change is happening rather than not.

Of course it is changing, that is the very nature of climate. It changes, it is unpredictable. CO2 makes up less then 0.04% of the atmosphere, about 3% of which is man made, so about 0.0012% of the atmosphere is man made (which is a misnomer, it is emitted by man) CO2. Even if we doubled it to 0.0024%, do you think we have a significant impact on the climate? You have a better chance of warming the pacific ocean by peeing in it.

In British Columbia here, we have this little pine beattle that destroys trees, which in turn has been devastating to our lumber industry. In the past, nature would just take care of the beattle because the cold winters would kill them; however, in the recent decade or 2, the winters have not been cold enough to kill these little pest and they thrive.

The fact that they thrive suggest the climate is changing. The question is, is the change man made or controllable by man?

I'm also seeing some weird weather patterns in the city where I live, a couple winters ago, we had one of the most brutal storms; parts of our Stanley Park (major tourist site in our city) was destroyed. Last winter, we had the worst snow fall in recent memory; we usually don't get much snow at all. The snow lasted for weeks, usually it’s gone in a couple days.

Is it logical to believe that 0.0012% of the atmosphere that has been emitted by man is the cause of this? Is it not possible that other activities have greater affect on the local climate? Say sun spots, or deforestation or just normal local seasonal variability? Does a localized, one in a hundred year storm justify global panic?

In Calgary last year we had a snow fall in November 2008. The snow stayed on the ground until April 2009. This is not normal on a year to year basis. And this year we have only had a trace amount of snow back in early October and nothing since. This is also not normal on a year to year basis. Yet historically, we have had snow falls that sit on the ground for months and some years we have had snow falls that don't hang around because of the Chinooks and other years we don't get any snow until February / March.

I woke up this morning and they said Calgary is expecting a high of 9'C and our average day time high for today is 2'C. Does that mean I should expected today's high to be 2'C and any variation warmer is because I drove my car the previous day and any variation colder is because I didn't drive? What level of variation is affected by man versus what is affected by that which man has no ability to control?

In our human history, we have had important issues such as slavery, women’s rights, African American Civil rights, Vietnam, abortion, gay rights: climate change may be the issue of our time. It is an “inconvenient truth”, which forces us to look at our lifestyles and if you’re convicted, it forces you to make changes. Heck, I don’t like changing, I like the way I’m living right now; however, if you decide not to closely examine the claims of climate change, do it for your children and think of the world you may be leaving for future generations, if there’s a world left.

What happens if the claims are completely false, based on bad scientific means and methods? Is it good governance to make decisions in the hopes that something good and unknown will come from it? What if something even more horrible comes from it?

Now I'm not talking about doing nothing. If somebody were to come to me and say "Oil and gas is finite, we need to find other means of producing energy for the long term." I would agree. But that is different. Conservation on known and good scientific principles is right. Being good stewards is right. Being a good steward of the environment means weighing all arguments, getting all the facts, doing all the studies, gaining all the knowledge and making good sound decisions based on that. When one side says "the debate is over" the first question anybody should ask is "may I have the debates transcripts please." Otherwise, the only logical conclusion is, the debate has not even started yet.
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Heya Goblit:

No, I didn't feel the earthquake. I think it was more out on the coast (ocean) and didn't really hit us. I don't really have to worry about climate change, I think the big one (earthquake) will probably take me out before climate change. *LOL*

Did you feel the earthquake yesterday Chanman?
Heya Aves:

No worries, I’m not offended at all. I didn’t want to rustle feathers as well and I tried to choose my words carefully; I purposely left some of my wacky logic out cause I didn’t want to offend anyone. *hehe* Anyways, yeah, I felt this thread was a bit lop-sided in bashing climate change and I felt the other perspective was lacking, so I felt like I should post something. I always stand up for the underdog. =)

I don’t have much time at the moment, but I’ll look over your post and Lloren/Bug’s link more carefully later. I just think as members of a democracy and Christians, we need to look at both sides of the debate, study the information and come to a conclusion ourselves. We should not go and believe something just because someone tells us it’s so (whether it be our friends, families, church members, politician, author, guildees, and for me a radio host).

Anyways, I like listening to this guy. His name is Bill Good, he’s a respected journalist here and he has a talk show. He recently had a guy named Guy Dauncy on the show who wrote a book about climate change. Good takes calls from ppl who challenge his views and he takes his fair share of shots. If any of u have time, take a listen, it’s about 40 mins.
(click on Bill Good Show – Thursday Nov 19 - Hour 1)
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I'm not any type of expert at all. Both sides on global warming can come up with convincing stories. I'm not sure if I believe anything I ever read that has the label "stolen emails".
I do know that there are major changes in the climate in some areas. Wether this is due to normal climate cycles or other reasons I don't know.

for example:

Here in southern Illinois we used to get LOTS of snow when I was younger. it was not uncommon to get a foot of snow or more twice a winter. For the last 2 decades our snowfall amount has declined greatly to where we are surprised to see anything over 6 inches of snow once a year.

We used to have winter weather starting in October and now it is usually mid december before we get any strong winter weather. It used to be common to have snow here or sleet on Halloween. It's been years since it's been cold enough on Halloween to do that.

I'm no expert and don't even begin to claim if this is man made global warming or just earth's climate cycle taking effect.

Another thing that is undisputable is the large amount of the arctic ice shelf that is breaking off and melting. Again, I don't claim to know what this is from.

We know so little about the past climate cycles of the Earth it's hard to say.

I for one don't think we are headed to any type of global disaster because we all drive cars but I do think we are put here as stewards of God's resources and it is our duty to make them last as long as possible, be used as safely as possible, and to be maximized for the best benefit and smallest detriment to the Earth.

I think that many of these scientists are just too busy trying to prove the other side wrong that they lose sight of the bigger picture.
Are we such power beings that we have the ability to destroy or save planets from destruction? Is this another attempt to be God-like?
I think it is ignorance that set us on this track to operate the way we do and thus damage our environment. Because we have been ignorant all this time, it has become more difficult to change how we operate.

Also, when I say ignorant, I mean it in its definitional terms, in the purest sense of the word.

Being God-like in thinking we can save the planet (assuming it needs it) will come with unintended consequence. Are you prepared to live with them?
I'm pretty sure I am ready to live with cleaner air. :)
I think it is ignorance that set us on this track to operate the way we do and thus damage our environment. Because we have been ignorant all this time, it has become more difficult to change how we operate.

Also, when I say ignorant, I mean it in its definitional terms, in the purest sense of the word.

I'm pretty sure I am ready to live with cleaner air. :)
cleaner air? Look at all the regulations in california..and their air is the dirtiest in the nation...common sense is needed not these bogus, freedom stealing, criminal enterprise based hoaxes.
Don't forget logic!

California is the most populous state in the nation (36,756,666 people) and has the most amount of cars in it compared with any other state (around 30 million, got that from their DMV site IIRC). Of course their air is dirty and why enforce stricter emissions standards than other less populated states do.

Edit: Here's a table from the Bay Area's Metropolitan Transportation Commission. An estimated 5.67M cars in the Bay Area alone by 2010 (thats larger than the population of 31 US States).
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Numbers do not always equal pollution, I live in a fairly rural valley and our particulate in the air is equal to LA county. And we have 50,000 people living here.

Why is this? Mountains and cloud form a pocket that doesn't move air out of the valley as quickly as other places.

Don't forget logic!

Yes, lets not forget logic:

The earth requires a greenhouse effect, otherwise the mean temperature of this globe would be 30'C colder then it is now.

Greenhouse gases make up a very small part of the atmosphere.
  • Nitrogen - 78%
  • Oxygen - 21%
  • Argon - 0.9%
  • CO2, Methane, Helium and other gases - Less then 1%

Of the contributing factors to the greenhouse effect:
  • 95% - Water vapor
  • 3% - CO2
  • 2% - other heavy gases

CO2, whether emitted by man or a natural source, is the same molecule. There is no way to distinguish between the two. Manmade CO2 is a misdemeanor. The first 20ppm of CO2 contributes the most to the greenhouse effect. The next 400ppm contributes as much again and then by the time you get to 1500ppm, you will contributed again as much as the first 20ppm.

Even the IPCC states that doubling the amount of CO2 will only add 1.1'F to the mean temperature (IPCC assessment report 4, chapter 8). How the IPCC comes up with terrifying numbers (like 3.3'C warming) is how the feedback works with CO2. That is, how water vapor interacts with the increased temperature from CO2. The water vapor can turn into low clouds, high clouds, raid, hail or snow, all of which have a different effect. Every temperature above 1.1'F is Dependant on these feedbacks. Rain cools, low clouds cool, high clouds warm. It has been found that as the planet warms, it gives off more radiation, fewer high clouds form and that humidity drops. According to NASA (Source: 50°C cooler, “Water Cycle” NASA Science), our natural evaporative cooler, rain, is what is keeping the planet 50'C cooler then what it could be.

There is another piece of logic to consider, and it is not conjecture, you can test it out yourself at the local market: As the need for biofuels increases, farmers divert more of their land to this commodity at the expense of food crops. What is going to happen to cost of food commodities? Staples such as sugar, grains, flour that is found in nearly all our prepared foods such as bread, soups? I have noticed an sharp increase of 2 to 4 times in the cost of such foods and commodities, and we haven't adopted anything yet.

I'm just thinking out loud here: In Calgary, the poor don't drive, have a overall smaller eco-footprint then anybody else, yet when the go to the grocery story, they find their dollars don't go as far so that people can drive their biofueled cars, and they don't have as much anyway after paying their energy bills at home because those have skyrocketed to fund green energy, so that Odale can breathe his clean air, even though CO2 is not a pollutant.

I'm not convinced that all outcomes of any decision is positive. I don't think we fully understand the contributing factors to the climate and I'm quite positive we have not fully thought out all the consequences of any decision one way or the other.
Okay, so Global Warming is a lie.

But what about climate change?