Alamo's druid post for those interested:)

Lol John:) Nice job:)

I can give you the short form of why it has only been druids this has happened to.

Alamo, who is a druid, and the mighty genius creator of druid speak.

Feel free to be the genius creator for your own unique class language..we need more class languages! Although, none will measure up to Alamoism, I am sure:)
warrior language = /grunt /grunt /scratch

warrior language (with arcane brilliance) = /point to self "tank" /grunt /grunt /scratch
warrior language = /grunt /grunt /scratch

warrior language (with arcane brilliance) = /point to self "tank" /grunt /grunt /scratch


New representative for the warrior language is needed pronto! I vote this guy out!

Btw, gnomes do NOT scratch...

That's true - gnomes definitely don't scratch. Their hands are too busy covering their backside and crying "don't punt me!!"
come on now you have to admit I'm full of expertise in warriors being as I have never actually played one... ;) lol