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  1. W

    Wyldcard's WAY #22 Christian e-zine up on CCGR

    By the grace of God, I was able to get issue #22 of Wyldcard's WAY done, and converted into PDF format. This issue is taking steps towards being a full blown Christian video game magazine. It still has a long way to go. Here is a link: Any feedback you have...
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    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    *lol* That article was hilarious. How would they get along? After all the blue states are on the opposite ends of the country. All we would have to do is levy huge taxes on them crossing the border. If the three left coast states wanted to, and the upper east coast states wanted to, I suppose...
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    Prayers, Bible Study, and a few other things

    LITSAFALDA, On a limitted basis I am ready to offer some assistance. I can give you some lessons I taught in our Young Marrieds Sunday school over the summer. They are not much but a start. My pastor is also emailing me his outline from his sermons. I have been posting them on, maybe...
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    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    Kidan, Well said. I agree with you. Like you said President Bush has reached out, and the reply has been hatred, and more demands.
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    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    Mr Bill, 25 years ago the liberals were in total control. Due to that, we almost lost the Cold War. It took a conservative (Ronald Reagan) to come into power, and win the Cold War. We are still living with 'The Gippers' legacy. I might add we should be thankful we are living because of...
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    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    The winter of liberalism has been thawing for 20-25 years. Bill Clinton was the only major victory for liberalism in that time period that I remember. The country has been slowly returning to its roots. The devastation of the "peace movement" from the 60s is slowly being corrected. The social...
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    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah I see. Now you blame the victims of your temper tantrum. Is there a particular reason liberals can not take responsibility for their own actions? Why must they always blame the victim?
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    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    Thaddius, I never saw any hatred of Clinton. I saw disgust at his lack of morals, but never hatred.
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    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    Vanaze, Very wise words indeed.
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    What is with the liberal temper tantrum?

    I am trying to figure out why the liberals are being such sore losers after losing to President Bush yet again. They spew their propaganda that he is dumb; however when he beats them, and they have more egg on their face, they are lashing out. President Bush reaches out to them, and they are...
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    Kerry concedes

    Mr. Bill, Being selective about which stats you will accept does not help your credibility. Vanaze, I agree with you completely. On the left coast, the liberal winter is still freezing people. However nation wide, I am seeing that liberal winter thaw. If you notice the liberals have been slowly...
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    Kerry concedes

    LITSAFALDA, I agree with you completely. When asked how he could be pro-abortion Kerry said he could not let his religious convictions influence his political outlook. Well that screams Pharisee style hypocryse to me. I am very thankful that God answered our prayers to allow us 4 more years of...
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    Bush and Civil Liberties

    Mr. Bill, I am talking about Seattle, WA. Huge city. Every liberal I have met is like that here. Maybe they are different in your area. Maybe it has something to do with them having a death grip on the political power in this area. My mind is open to the possibility that there are liberals who...
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    Bush and Civil Liberties

    Dark Virtue, I vote. My wife and I both vote. I analyze the issues, and the stances of the candidates, I then pray about it. I also try and find the most biblically sound candidates who have a chance of winning. I have seen that bumper sticker before, and found it hilarious. I saw another one...
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    Bush and Civil Liberties

    Mr Bill, Not in my area. I live in WA state, and work in Seattle. Liberals I work with are very open about wanting to not allow Christians to work, and then put them in concentration camps. I have yet to meet one liberal in person who is a true Christian.
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    John Kerry is with you!!

    *lol* That was great
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    Bush and Civil Liberties

    Mr. Bill, If we as Christians refuse to take the Great Commission to all reaches of the world, which includes government, then we are submitting to Satan in that realm. The whole reason I asked the question is because I have the theory that the political left trusts in government to take care...
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    Bush and Civil Liberties

    *lol* The definition the common man would use. Kinda like common sense
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    Bush and Civil Liberties

    Que Pasa, Aren't you going to answer my questions?
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    Bush and Civil Liberties

    Let me ask everyone here this question: Is it In God we Trust? or Is it In Government we Trust?