Bush and Civil Liberties

I only read the first page of this thread. I agree that the media has a hypocritical double standard. It is sad that many people in America question the truth of the Holy Bible; however they believe whatever the media tells them to believe. I also have heard a lot of news stories of people thrown out of Clinton, Gore, and Kerry events because they disagreed with them on one issue. They went because they wanted their voice to be heard, and the democrats denied them "free speech". The hypocryse of the original news story is amazing. When the democrats do it, its okay; when a republican does the same thing, then all of sudden its a crime.
What about Hillary Clinton blaming the 9/11 attack on President Bush's tax cut? Why did the media give her such a pass? John Kerry promised at the democrat national convention that he would remain civil throughout this campaign. Why isn't he being held to his promise? He has after all broken that promise numerous times. Kerry says catholism is important to him. Kerry says he can not let his religious view impact his political affiliation. What does that say about his religious views? How real can they be?
Kerry's wife is the owner of Heinz ketchup. Heinz ketchup has outsourced thousands of jobs. Kerry says outsourcing is bad, and will stop it. He can't do it in his own household, how can he do it for the country. Related question, since we insource more jobs than we outsource, why isn't that part of the news stories?
If elected president Kerry would be the richest man to ever be president. How can he relate to the poor since he is richer?

Kerry says we should sit down and talk to Osama Bin Ladin. Someone sends brutal savage murderers to us, and he thinks they will be civilized in a peace summit?

I'm sorry to all the Kerry supporters; but in my humble opinion Kerry is so out of touch with reality that he is dellusional. My wife and I already voted, and we voted for Bush.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Wyldcard @ Oct. 30 2004,2:23)]Let me ask everyone here this question:

Is it In God we Trust?


Is it In Government we Trust?
I'm going to pull a Clinton and ask you to define what you mean by 'it.'
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mr.Bill @ Oct. 30 2004,7:34)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Wyldcard @ Oct. 30 2004,2:23)]Let me ask everyone here this question:

Is it In God we Trust?


Is it In Government we Trust?
I'm going to pull a Clinton and ask you to define what you mean by 'it.'

The definition the common man would use. Kinda like common sense
Hehe, thanks. : )

But anyways. I'm still not quite sure what you're getting at, but I think it is important to remember that our government was made secular for highly feasible reasons. You can trust in god or you can trust in government, or both. They're just seperate.
Mr. Bill,

If we as Christians refuse to take the Great Commission to all reaches of the world, which includes government, then we are submitting to Satan in that realm.

The whole reason I asked the question is because I have the theory that the political left trusts in government to take care of them. This is evident in the laws they try and pass, and the policies they try to implement. In my home state; a bastion of liberal oppression, they want the sales tax to be 10%. In other words, they want tithes, and they try to do everything the church does. Then they have been discouraging the church from meeting peoples needs. It is all about the government. The government is their false idol.

I trust God over any trust in the government. The government is run by flawed humans. Compare them to God. They lose every time. Yet, I have had liberals tell me they trust the government as long as "their people" are in power. Sounds like a good ole boys club to me.

God allows all earthly powers. God is above any government.
I think you go a taaad far in calling the political left godless heathens that worship government over god.  Most liberals are men and women of faith, they just have a different philosophy on how our nation's government should be run.  It seems that you are suggesting that we abolish the seperation of church and state.  But if our government were to do this, and to take the side of one religion, what would happen to those of other faiths?  You would be setting yourself up for a highly volatile situation.

You are right, God is above every government. But in order for this country to have true freedom of religion, we have to keep the two seperate.
Mr Bill,
Not in my area. I live in WA state, and work in Seattle. Liberals I work with are very open about wanting to not allow Christians to work, and then put them in concentration camps. I have yet to meet one liberal in person who is a true Christian.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I trust God over any trust in the government.

This is an interesting topic. Does that mean you don't vote? If you trust in God, I would think the best course of action would be to pray instead of showing up at a voting booth.

Just wondering.

Also, I wanted to share this bumper sticker I saw yesterday:

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Wyldcard @ Nov. 01 2004,8:11)]Mr Bill,
Not in my area.  I live in WA state, and work in Seattle.  Liberals I work with are very open about wanting to not allow Christians to work, and then put them in concentration camps.  I have yet to meet one liberal in person who is a true Christian.
Uh. Liberals want to put Christians in concentration camps? I don't think we're on the same page...
I trust in God over any government. I also place more trust in the walls around me than I place in any government.

As you might have surmissed, I have absolutely no trust in government(s) whatsoever. They are ran by people, who are subject to utter lunacy and idioticy, if not both (but oh so rarely is it neither).

I do like that bumper sticker....
You do think we should have some sort of government though correct? What do you think it should it be based upon?
Oh yes, I do think we should have government. As well, I firmly believe that that government should be a capitalistic, free-market, Republic.

Of course, even then I will not trust the government.

Then again, neither did our Founding Fathers. Which is why we have the Second Amendment, so that if our Consitutional Free-Market, Republic becomes something it's not, we can take back our country by force.
Dark Virtue,

I vote. My wife and I both vote. I analyze the issues, and the stances of the candidates,
I then pray about it. I also try and find the most biblically sound candidates who have
a chance of winning. I have seen that bumper sticker before, and found it hilarious.
I saw another one that said:

4 out of 5 of the world's dictators prefer John Kerry over George Bush.

I am telling you my exposure to liberals in a very liberal area in a very liberal town. I have had liberals tell me they want all Christians in concentration camps. They have also told me that there should be laws banning Christians from working. My response to them was the Nazi's did that to the Jews.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Wyldcard @ Nov. 01 2004,7:05)]Mr.Bill,
I am telling you my exposure to liberals in a very liberal area in a very liberal town. I have had liberals tell me they want all Christians in concentration camps.  They have also told me that there should be laws banning Christians from working.  My response to them was the Nazi's did that to the Jews.
I am sorry that your hometown is that way, but you must realize that not all liberals are like that. In fact, over 90% of liberals are like that. And as I'm sure you know, there are conservatives that are just as bad. You must not generalize based on small radical subgroups.