Book list

I am so excited about audiobooks.

I found several scripts that, combined with the standard features of iTunes, turn mp3 audio files into bookmarkable, chapterized audiobooks that work just like the ones you purchase. Is it sad that it made my day? Well, until work was actually over, an hour late.

No it is not. That is so cool. How do you do it?

Kel Queen of all Europe
Bring popcorn boy. He'll, um, supply the popcorn.

Ha ha :) He and Rho are coming too and weirdly enough my favorite thing to eat at the movies is not popcorn but turkey jerky, and to drink is sprite through a cherry licorice straw. :D

Kel Queen of all Europe
Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

Just finished it and I highly recommend it. I picked it up because it reminded me of one of my first book loves Robin Hood. The story was great, no magic, and I really enjoyed the characters.

*Starred Review* Gr. 5-8. Like the other 15-year-old wards of Castle Redmont, Will is nervous about Choosing Day, when each of them will be assigned to a different master for training. Though his dearest wish is to enter the Battleschool, his small stature prevents it. Instead, Will is apprenticed to the grim-faced, mysterious Ranger. Soon Will learns that becoming a ranger is more difficult, dangerous, and worthwhile than he had imagined. He earns the respect of his elders and the friendship of a former foe, but all this is prelude to the great adventure that follows, when his skills wielding a knife and keeping a heightened awareness of his surroundings become vital to the survival of his mentor and the safety of the kingdom. The last few years have seen the publication of many fantasies, but few have the appeal of this original story. Rather than creating a host of strange creatures and magical powers, Flanagan concentrates on character, offering readers a young protagonist they will care about and relationships that develop believably over time. Will's world is a colorful place, threatened by an evil warlord and his fierce minions, but it's the details of everyday living and the true-to-life emotions of the people that are memorable. Children will definitely look forward to the next adventure in the Ruins of Gorlan series. Carolyn Phelan
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Kel Queen of all Europe
I just got Eragon from the library. I hope it's as cool as it sounds.

Although maybe I should wait till I see the movie, because when I read the books first I think of how much better they are as compared to the movies
Although maybe I should wait till I see the movie, because when I read the books first I think of how much better they are as compared to the movies

See that's why I like to read the books first. Then you can walk out knowing alot more than your friends know.:rolleyes: I also like imagining what places and people look like before seeing the movie just to see how it compares. I did that with The Bourne Identity (GREAT book, btw), and ended up liking my "version" of the female character alot better than the movie's. If you see the movie first, you pretty much have to put the actor's face to the character (as was the case when I read the Harry Potters (also good)). It's all in preference, I guess...

Ya when i read Eragon i never thought him to have a british accent. When i first saw the trailer this was my face: o_O :confused:
I still havent seen it yet im getting mad -_-. But sometime next week i am.
i saw the Eragon Movie last Friday. Overall i thought it had nice special effects but the screen writer must have read a different version of the book than i did. I was very disappointed in the movie, but then again I was comparing it to an awesome book.
see, that's why I watched the movie first. enjoyed the movie.
now, when I read the book, I can enjoy the book.
This is for Kel and the other ladies; guys won't be interested. This is a historical novel with romance.

*envisions guys fleeing in droves*

I received Maire: The Fires of Gleannmara for Christmas. I finished it shortly thereafter and have been meaning to write about it. This book is awesome! It's set in the first days of Christianity in Ireland. I learned so much about the history of Christianity and Ireland. I was intrigued by some of the Druidic history; I am so used to the New Age interpretation of the Druids that I never knew there was another side to them. Some scholars believe that among them were some of the earliest and most influential converts to Christianity. It's inspired me to do a bit of research myself.

Besides that, it's a great story, with interesting characters. The title character opens the story as a pagan warrior-queen! It's interested me enough that I plan to hunt down the sequels.
guys won't be interested.....pfft

They will if they know ladies that go through books in a day or so and are ALWAYS looking for something interested to read.
Did y'all hear the news about the Inheritance Trilogy? I kept meaning to post it here...

The Inheritance Trilogy is now the Inheritance Cycle! There was too much material to fit in one book. Book III, Brisingr*, will be released September 20. :) Yay!

*I linked to Amazon because they have a video from Christopher Paolini talking about his decision.
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Whoa thats cool. I'll have to brush up on my Eragon books again. I havent read it since... well along time ago. Cant wait for the 3rd one. Thanks for the update Dea!
I have read a few good books that I never got around to posting. I shall now endever to redeem my laziness and pass on info about my yummy finds.

Since I name my toons after a Tamora Pierce character I will start with her lasted series

Terrier: The Legend of Beka Cooper #1 It is the story of an ancestor of one of her other characters but can be read without any of that back ground. She stays mostly away from the nobility in this book and lets you get to know the streets of her world with a policewoman in training. The medieval feel and 2 major unsolved crimes greatly add to its appeal and keep you turning pages.

Kel Queen of all Europe
Note to the ladies:

Avoid The Gilded Chamber, which is a fictional telling of the story of Esther. I never finished reading it because it got explicit...which is very disappointing, because Esther is one of my faves from the OT.
Hey seeing lots of books i love on here but i am surprised no one has mentioned anything by Ted Dekker yet, he is my favorite author, I have read all his books and I cant get enough, he writes adrenaline building and mind engaging and all around awesome books (some get very intense/graphic but i like it that way)
I love:
Enders Game/Shadow books (just finished Shadow of the Giant)
books by C.S. Lewis (currently reading Till We Have Faces)
Brave New World
Redwall books (when i was younger anyway)
books by Frank Peretti
books by Stephen Lawhead
Sword of Shannara series
Arena by Karen Hancock (one of my favorites)
Eragon/Eldest were great

I am also currently reading Farewell to Arms for AP Language which is very interesting.

[edit] Cant believe I forgot Ray Bradbury The Illustrated Man is an amazing and very deep short story collection.
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i have actually just started reading the screwtape letters. its very good, and its interesting how C.S. Lewis puts the meaning into words. also i would like to say that i have read Eragon and Eldest (like 30 times each, they r so interesting.) also i would like to give news to all of the inheritance fans out there, the third book is comin out this year in sept on the 21st, i cant wait, also for those of you that havent read Eragon, its very good, i would advise it to almost any one. (notice i said ALMOST)