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If God is the Pilot and Jesus is the Co-Pilot while The Holy Spirit maintains our flight path, the only job left on the plane is steward...
*checks Steam, sees Secret of Mana remake coming Feb 2018* GET HYPE!!! *looks closer, see $40 price tag* Yeeeeeeeeeah, nevermind.
The complexity and quality of the graphics made more sense when I read it was also being ported to mobile platforms. I think the 3D looks fine and I don't think it would bother me, but I agree that SoM was one of the most beautiful 16-bit games.
I still remember climbing a mountain in the game and the entire environment changing to look like the sun was setting, long before 3D and colored lighting were added to games.
The Mighty Gerbil
The Mighty Gerbil
I could see a sprite remake with a bigger color palette or 3D if it was actually top of the line and not average. I'd much rather save the money on a marginal remake and buy something like this if I was going to play it again (but I still have it so I don't have to er if the battery hasn't melted :P).
Hey Dude. Life been good to you?
Not sure if clicking Like on your post would convey that I like your update in general or the hip replacement specifically. Will click Like anyway.

But on a lighter note, glad to hear you have some time to get back to gaming. What are you playing these days? Or are you looking for some suggestions?
I'm somewhat out of the loop thanks to my severely limited game time, but I've played Team Fortress 2, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch recently.
TF2 is now free-to-play and HotS is and will likely always be F2P, though it wouldn't be hard to throw a lot of money at either game (that is, if you're not a super-frugal gamer like me). I got Overwatch as a gift from my wife for Christmas; it was on sale for about $40 at the time.
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