Youth Ministry

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For those who do not know I am involved with a church that spilt from a very Large Assemblies of God Ministry.

Long story short, we’re a very five fold, bible believing; gifts of the spirit church. We have a very small youth group, but we are located in a mall; where believe it or not, on weekends is PACKED with alterative lifestyle youths, Goths, skaters , toughs and the sort of miscreants (I mean that as a badge of honor) I love so much. (I do love the tough trouble makers, I really do, and maybe I just identify with them better) But the location is where the Lord Jesus Christ is needed the most.

The youth leader is very dedicated to making the youth group time very fun and not boring. AS you can guess I want to fill everyone with the word till its coming out their ears. (So I have to admit God placed us together to balance each other out!) Not that the other leader doesn't want the word to get out, He does. He just wants to keep the kids attention as well.

But neither of us have lead a youth ministry before, we are sporadically having youth night on Fridays. I would like to see every Friday to encourage the youth that come there for the concerts, to get a little of God’s love and glory rubbed on them. And get those kids in our care, and good time but get the word in them and spirit fill them as well.

So I was wondering with the awesome resource The CGA has; what are some websites with idea’s about youth leadership resources that would be useful to:

Create and roll out an energetic youth group that has fun, keeps the kids attention, and gets them full with the spirit and the WORD in a practical way the can take to the streets and benefit them in life!

Whew, that was a long one, and:

Build a relationship with the lost and hurting youth. I have never met a Goth, a tough guy, a trouble maker, or a skater chick who did not want to be redeemed. I was there myself. I know what its like to be Billy bad a**, and walk with that chip on my shoulder. But I know I loved my friends fiercely and wanted to be there, and prayed someone could be there for me. So these kids have really touched something in me, and I need the leadership resource help to get this thing rolling.

Now I am praying that’s why I posted here. I ask your prayers for us as well, and more that the Spirit of God move through the youth mall and takes fire, I saw and know if the Spirit of the Lord with fire 5 to 10 of these young men and woman , their boldness will set fire to the valley. They will multiply their number in months to come. They are just waiting to receive forgiveness and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Thanks so much Folks, I appreciate it!
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Not sure what you may have in your area as a resource, but worth looking into if there is a network of youth ministries. In the Twin Cities area we have Allies, which is a wonderful resource for all who work with youth:

Otherwise, for online resources, you can start with Pastor2Youth:

I am sure there are many more resource sites you could do a search for. But that will get you started anyway.
I am praying and very excited for you. I can see you thriving in this type ministry. I don't know much about youth ministry, I have always been one to head for the newborns...they are easy:) I think my favorite youth minister was always very active with the young people and your wanting to do something each Friday is a step in that direction. May God richly bless you and all that your hands find to do.
MA, I had lunch with my oldest daughter today and thought of your new ministry. She is now 24 and she will go to her grave with love and great respect for her youth pastor. He is now a preacher in Roseburg, Oregon. She agreed with what I said about he was always active with his youth group and he kept them active. She said the most important fact was his love. She always knew, and continues to feel that he cares for her. He was firm on what he stood for, but he did all kindly and with love! Furthermore, she said she has looked up to him as a father figure and she will know that she has found the right mate when he has the character of, and the love and respect for his wife, that her youth pastor has.

I had the privilege of interpreting for some deaf visitors to his class a couple of times, hearing him, and frequently hearing my kids excitedly speak of what happened in class, I felt he was always real. He touched on every subject, no holds barred, that could possibly touch a teen and made them feel it was okay, let them know he had been though the same, and found in Scripture what they needed to fight their battles. By testimony he could show them a life lived striving to please God and the blessings that naturally come to such a life. I remember, even as a parent, he was there for me 24/7. I never took advantage of that fact, but I have no doubt that he meant it. All in all, he had a heart like Jesus, always open, always full of love, always where he could be found, and always looking for the good in people and assisting in love any bad, with a heart that wanted nothing more than to point them the way to Jesus.
Thank you and what a wonderful Testimony. Well I can only pray to be half the leader Your daugthers youth pastor was. Theres an old say about never jumping in a great mans shoes. I pray The Lord Jesus Christ will give me all I need to be a servant to those who need his love the most. His will be done. :p I get nervous because its such a HUGE rresponsibility. I need to remind myself that its not me or my doing, but the Lord Jesus Christ working thru me, I am just a tool of the Lord! That’s hard for me. Humble, humility is hard. But with Lord Jesus Christ with me. What can I not do if its His will!

Keep us in your prayers
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I will count if a privilege to have a small part in your ministry through prayer. It's all about the love...and you have already shown that you love your youth members by wanting to know the best way to serve and guide them.
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