World Rebellion

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New Member
I have been inspired with the idea of creating a ministry that involves taking back a lot of the "outcast" mediums and turning them into tools for Christ's Glory and bringing people closer to Him through them. Things such as Death Metal, Video Games, Pro Wrestling, Anime, and Goth style are the primary targets I am looking at as well as stuff like bikers and other tastes that run into the extreme. The name I was given was "World Rebellion".

I want to start with Video Games, since it's one that I don't need a huge budget for and it can be the building blocks of bringing believers who enjoy extreme tastes under the same flag.

I have several questions on how to do this because I want to involve Churches around the area to either bring in teams or have singles face off against one another in smaller tournaments until we get to the huge retreat/tournament. How would those who have done ministry events before do something like this?
Sorry about this late post, but go to

That's a camp I'm going to and read that history. I really have no advice except look what that guy did. Maybe you could e-mail him or something. :p

tell me if it's helpful.
I would love to help Seraph! I have alot of Ideas, including many on your list. Email me and I will share what I have and We can play tag back and forth.
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