World Of Warcraft

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ethan
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World Of Warcraft -

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Maybe

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I know this game is a ways off, but it is looking and sounding real cool.  I've never tried a MMORPG before, and word is this might become the best ever.
I eagerly await trying it, unless the monthly fee is absolutely outragious. Thats why I voted maybe instead of yes.
I'd do $10-$15, at least for awhile,  if it is as good as seems.
World of warcraft
Count me in I have been lurking around the forums over at bnet for a while and this could become something great. Im guessing at least a $12 dollar a month cost but if they wait to release it till its finished instead of rushing like most MMORPG it could be something special.
Did you check out the E3 gameplay video for it that came out in Mid May? Amazing.
I have both of the official videos and the cinimatic movie also I had a few fan made movies from E3 that were really low quality. The Gryphon transport is very cool looking.
Blizzard's first MMORPG....should hopefully prove interesting. Maybe it won't turn into a snooze fest with pretty graphics and ewoks..err...night elves.
They just released like 12 new pics mostly involving the Night Elf, and also a new 40 sec mp3 sample of the ne theme. If this is how the music during play is going to be it will be amazing, it sounds epic like something you would hear during Lord of the Rings rather then a MMORPG.

www.battle.netBattle net
yeah that is great music. Is it true Beta testing is starting end of summer/early fall?
Blizzard has been saying Augest to December for an beta test starting with a few people and gradualy making it open. Im guessing within 2 months there will be sign up's for it.
I think I'll be needing a new computer for WOW. I dont think my P3 450MHZ is going to cut it. Hopefully I'll be able to get one by then.
Well, I'm all set with the comp

I tell you the more screenshots and info they dish out, the more amazing I think this will be. I truly hope we can have a Guild for this game through here..It would be cool to explore this vast new world together
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ethan @ Dec. 11 2003,12:04)]I truly hope we can have a Guild for this game through here.
And we will!

Tribe of Judah now has a World of Warcraft chapter. You can view the ToJ: WoW site here and contact Bowser if you are interested in serving as a chapter staff member.

It's still months before the game's release (and likely even a beta), but this means we'll have plenty of time to prepare!

If you'd like to be listed as a member of the WoW chapter, please contact Rizz at with yor request.
I am so into this. I used to play MUDs MUSHs and MOOs back in the old telnet text based days (yes I was about 11 or 12). I've always had a soft spot for RPG's and multiplayer is cool. It'll be a break from the high emotion fast paced twitch world of CS. I will try WoW out for at least a month, hopefully they'll offer a trial subscription or something.
Tek beat me to it

Currently we are starting a Christian WoW guild, if you're interested in joining please e-mail me at

We are being hosted by Tribe of Judah at and our web address will be

Our web-site will be up very, very soon, and we will continually be updating it; adding one page with a ton of content about WoW and adding Forums to our Fellowship section will be our next major update.  

We know many people that have been anticipating something like this, and we are all very excited about getting this up and running.  We have picked up the name WoW Legends, please check back with us at our site in the next few days!

WoW Legends is a guild where fellow Christians can adventure together in the World of Warcraft MMORPG. To find out more about the World of Warcraft, go here: !

Please e-mail me if you are interested (ask about a sneak peak of our website and I will give you a temporary address to visit).[/email]]My e-mail addressWoW Legends Blizzard's World of Warcraft site
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Bowser @ Dec. 12 2003,11:35)]Our web-site will be up very, very soon, and we will continually be updating it; adding one page with a ton of content about WoW and adding Forums to our Fellowship section will be our next major update.  
Contact Hawk via e-mail at with a request for a new forum. Feel free to reference this thread. Be sure to include the exact forum name and description you would like and mention that it should be included in the Tribe of Judah Forums category.

If there is a need for multiple forums for this chapter in the future, send another detailed request to the same e-mail address. For right now, it'd be best to stick with only one forum.
Count me in

Email on its way. I'm not sure if If I'll sign up for Beta or not..I kinda wanna wait till its finished then enter the world fresh and new.
Thanks for your support.  Please tell your friends about us, too - that can help us get on our feet and hold up until the game finally releases.  If you have any suggestions for Legends please send them to me; if you don't have any suggestions then you need to come up with some.
