where to post for main/alt specs


New Member
Is there an official thread for posting our main and alt planned specs? My main was going to be tanking with an alt of healing just for the record i guess.

Flame - fire mage for now. If I get picked for DK class lead, Marinus will be my main, either dps or tanking, if DKs can tank in raids...
For the time being, I'll stick with Julienne as my main, primary spec retribution, secondary spec holy. (If primary specs matter for others, Miella and Pinny are frost, and Anastasija is restoration.)
Samboe = main. He's MM. Sambosoul = Alt. Ret for now, will switch to holy if guild needs it as badly as it seems to right now.
Azami = main, sticking as elemental secondary resto unless healing is severely lacking then I'll switch to permanent resto.
Everyone please pst me in game your new main / specs so I can update the in game roster. We will then draw a updated Gilga roster document off that.
