Whats better? Win2k or WinXP?


New Member
I've recently changed my OS to Win2k after having so many dumb problemos and got sick of it.. It seems like its ruining it self by making all those dumb codes that jus stack each other on top of others, o well thats the case. I personally think Windows 2000 is much lighter, and i've experienced it, but I do find WindowsXp more easier to configure and all that, but i'm more then enough to use Win2k with out any problems. My computer goes over the requirements for any programs/games in Win2k OS, so no problems yet, jus wanted some opinions, well? (waiting with eagerness :P)
I use 2k on my comp my specs are pretty low and I do not want to slow my computer any more using xp.
From what ive seen 2k is xp without all the pretty extras and easy user interface. If you know much about computers and dont need a walk through for everything id go with win2k.
eh, all the same.  this comp has 2k, my personal one has XP (both pro... microsoft Home edition OSes are crud).

2k is easier to work with graphically, but XP has more intricities to it.

Windows XP A to Z
something like that.  XP A to Z.  theres loads of stuff you can do in there, I love the functionality of it.

however, Win2k is easier to get around, since theres not so much jarble in there to make things "user-friendly"...
I've used XP pro for a few months, and I must say I'm impressed (coming from an ex mac freak). It doesn't crash as often, and you can stop specific progs that are screwing up.
I love 98 SE, but XP Pro is far more stable. The nice thing about 2k, is it doesn't hog sys. resources to the extent that XP does (mainly ram). I just upgraded to XP Pro from 98SE, because the Radeon 9700 Pro I'm getting doesn't support 98, so I didn't have much choice.
So far I've been pleased, and I've worked with it before and I like it. I do like 2k though, the gui is nice.
Well, you can make Win XP look like Win 2K. Just go into the desktop settings. I run Win 2K at work and Win XP. I think I actually prefer XP. Both platforms are pretty stable, but XP just a bit more so. Drivers are better and XP seems to work harder at making new software and hardware installations easier.

ex. I was setting up Handsping cradle. On Win 98 I had to pop the disk into the CD drive and run the installation program. In XP, I put the CD in and then as soon as I plugged the USB cable in, Win XP immediately knew what I was trying to do, started searching for drivers, and found the appropiate one on the CD. Something that would have taken 2-3 mins before just took me 10-20 seconds. Pretty nifty I think.

As for hardware requirements, I can't speak much to do that since my box is loaded, but I would assume Win2K requires less than WinXP (but if you turn off a lot of the things XP does, maybe it doesn't require as much, dunno).

Yeah, shagz, the ability to change the look is nice. I have mine set to classic mode, I don't need that default bubbly blue nonsense.
i have had nothing but problems with xp pro and i have only had my pc a week.

at the moment anything that uses gdi32.dll (which is everything) crashes the system. I managed to get on forums tho.

Help me
Yeh.. I must say that XP uses so much resources.. XP is good for n00bish users, or people who have enough knowledge and good computer. I have a good computer, but i was tired of errors that it kept making after installing certain program. 2k never does that. 2k is more manual and u need some knowledge of it, but if u don't, don't panic, xp will teach u. maybe u can switch bak to 2k after learning some in xp :P

O and Red Hat Linux does pwnz all os

Answer to rizz= try using run command and typing chkdsk, it might clean some things up, if it doesn't work.. i gotta think of another solution :P
I do actually favour xp over 2k when xp is set up properly.. i had xp home on my old machine and it served me well. It wpned all the other OS's i had on it.. Its just a butt to set up initially if you have a conflict.

Im gonna post about this in a sec...
Linux is probably much more stable and flex, but it takes some wrk over night to actually get used to it and know how to do it :P

Right now i hav Windows 2k and Linux Red hat 9.0. Perfect combo.
Yeah Linux is more stable but like you said it does take some time to get use too...The 9.0 version has a similar format to Win Xp. So its a little easier to use.
Yeh.. I've installed 6.2 and i gave up on it like after 5 sec. Got 9.0 from my father and i think it was worth it