What is your religion?

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What is your religion? - see title

  • Muslim

    Votes: 15 100.0%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hindu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
This is a Christian Gaming group, that should pretty much give away what we all are. (or most of us anyway) I doubt you'll find many of the choices you listed, so your poll won't have many votes, except maybe a few dozen "others".

Question: Why not Christian as a choice?

i put down jewish since Christianity is jewish. and yeah y not christian?
That's always a problem...a good thing smart alecks need training to be a true master at the ways of cynicism and sarcasm.
Allow me to differentiate a slight difference between Judaism and Christianity: that Jesus guy.
I put down Jewish as well. Jewish I cant see as being Judaism (Tanakh only) so by Jewish I can make it mean Messianic Judaism. Seeing how Messianic Judaism is basically Christianity under another name I dont feel I voted wrong. I can see that Satan hasent answered why Christianity he hasent made christianity a choice.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ultima Avatar @ Dec. 28 2003,12:35)]Allow me to differentiate a slight difference between Judaism and Christianity: that Jesus guy.
Yet he put down Hinduism and Buddhism. Buddha basically is to Hinduism as Jesus is to Judism.
But Buddhism and Hinduism are two prevalent religions...totally opposite each other (hence the reason for India-Pakistan war). Judaism and Christianity share similar aspects, but he very conveniently neglected to mention it, I believe, to merely waste space and posts on this drivel of a topic. I just returned, and I don't know all the new atheists and challengers to come, but I suspect this nerdling must be one.
who me?? heck no ive been here for a while and i even remember you avatar. and i aint smart alec and u forget Jesus was a jew.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ultima Avatar @ Dec. 29 2003,5:11)]But Buddhism and Hinduism are two prevalent religions...totally opposite each other (hence the reason for India-Pakistan war). Judaism and Christianity share similar aspects, but he very conveniently neglected to mention it, I believe, to merely waste space and posts on this drivel of a topic. I just returned, and I don't know all the new atheists and challengers to come, but I suspect this nerdling must be one.
Er...India is Hindu and Pakistan is Muslim, not Buddhist. They are not totally opposite...Buddha basically sought to change Hinduism, reform it, just as Jesus sought to reform Judism.

Buddhism never really caught on in India, just as Christianity never really caught on in Israel.

Judism isn't really practiced much outside of Israel and Jews who live elsewhere...likewise, Hinduism isn't practiced much outside India and Indians living abroad. (Not to say that "others" cannot join--they can and do--just that neither are very big on actively converting people, unlike Christianity and Islam (for example, no offense intended to anyone).)

Buddhism and Christianity are also both extensively found outside of their country of origin.

Look, my point was not that it was wrong for people to view Christianity as an offshoot of Judism...it is. My point was that since Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism, that is not an excuse.

Also considering that the largest religion in the world is still Christianity...so to ignore it...well... ;)
well Christianity sprang from jewish roots no? We worship the same God, the same Bible (but Christians have more than 5 books) Jesus is the promised messiah whereas the jews are still waiting.
Lol, I actually said Muslim. Ha! My bad. Thanks for the notice.
No, Atown, I wasn't talking about you...I was talking about the originator of the topic who has yet to respond to what has served as a pointless topic.
I really enjoy how we flaunt that Christianity is such a big religion...it's a catchy thing for social standing, I believe, nowadays more than anything. "So...you go to church?" "But, of course, dear Wallaby. St. Peter's Towering Structure of Pure Gold, Imported from the Faulklands." "Ahh, splendid, dear chap. I do take the missus and the children to St. Bartholomew's Empire of the Masses, Marble Imported from Southern Africa." "Do you now? Our churches must coalesce for teatime lunch one day then." "But of course."

Most Israeli Jews don't even hold to Judaism any longer...
thank goodness u werent talkin bout me ultima. and yeah thios is pretty pointless without the original poster giving us somethin to debate about
Why do so many people claim to be Christians when they are not? If I go to a garage, does that make me a mechanic? What if I put gas in to my car once? Does that make me an oil-magnate? My PC runs on Windows XP, does that mean I own part of Micro$oft? No. No. No.

I am a bible believing, God fearing, born again Christian and proud of it. The world at large needs to see that just because they think that there is a God and they go to church every Christmas does not mean they are a Christian. Christianity may have many millions of people professing a belief in it, but just how many of them do you think are actually going to be in heaven? Thankfully it is not up to me to decide who goes and who doesn't, but I think many people are going to be surprised when Jesus tells them "I didn't know you".
uuh would u be refering to us or other people?? here we have alot of mixed views on christianity. though i am with u skowsa about being a Bible believing, God fearing, Born again christian.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Atown @ Jan. 08 2004,11:40)]uuh would u be refering to us or other people?? here we have alot of mixed views on christianity.
I don't know anybody here, so I would be extremely foolish to be referring to this forum's members. My comment was meant as a statement on the attitudes of this world as a whole. Most people who spend a large amount of time on a forum such as this would do so because they are serious about their beliefs. You rarely see "lukewarm" members in Christian based forums - although you may find some.

As a newcomer into this forum, I think I should reserve judgment on people until I know them a bit better. Even then, I should probably not judge - "Judge not, less you be judged".
ok just checkin. and one of those people who prolly spend to much time here is me
. i login like every 30 min to 2 hours