What is this?


New Member
The other day Ash and I went into an art store to get her some supplies for her classes. I saw this drawing and said "hey! come look at this _______"

She doesn't think it looks like a ________. So we decided to take a picture of it and see what everyone here thinks it is.

What kind of animal is this?

As long as it can equip a rocket pack it doesn't matter what it is.

But probably a dog of some kind.
I would say that is about a "C" in Art 101. Everyone should be able to tell that is a valentine. The critter, however, appears to be a Koala Bear. A chunky one at that!
It's a monkey!!! Are you people dense??? I mean, who can't recognize a monkey when they see one? Hahaha. :P

......don't judge me.
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Well it would appear that scientists have perfected the art of genetic engineering because clearly this is a cross between a gopher and a bear