Weds Night Bible Study - Time

Choose 1 from first three and 1 from last three.

  • 6:00 PM PST

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • 6:30 PM PST

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • 7:00 PM PST

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • 1 Hour

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • 1.5 Hours

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • 2 Hours

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
6 at the latest so that people can still do other stuff in the game afterwards. No longer than 15-20 minutes.
15-20 minutes for a bible study? To me that would feel like taking a sponge bath when I'd want to take a shower in the Living Water. Ya know?

I guess I can look through my library and see what I've got that are the shorter ones.
15-20 minutes for a bible study? To me that would feel like taking a sponge bath when I'd want to take a shower in the Living Water. Ya know?

I guess I can look through my library and see what I've got that are the shorter ones.

Consider your audience and the medium.

A two hour bible study makes sense in a place that is conducive to such a time slot with people who are there and able to commit to that.

Now lets look at your reality:

Bible study over WoW. You have distractions, questing, pvp, instances, parents demanding chores be done by their kids, kids demanding time of their parents (ie...make dinner), etc etc etc. Is this conducive to a 2 hour or even a 1 hour block of time? Are you sure that over the course of an hour or two that people are even paying attention? Some will, some won't, some will just show face and that is all.

You may have to deal with just getting a sponge bath. A sponge bath is still better then nothing. And if done right, you can get people to come over the course of 2, 3 or even 4 weeks to see it all tied up.
Ok, so tonight's study was awesome. I think next week we can shoot for a 6pm start time and go an hour long. That half hour was over before we knew it and we went long anyways, so may as well make it official.
Are we able to have the topic before hand... I maybe able to show up be for we start up youth on Wednesday nights.
im really enjoying the bible study's Soul :) thank you for doing them. I know it can seem a little slow at times with everyones different views....that's what you get when have a group of believers from all sorts of different denominations :P Important thing is to nail down what brings us together in the end :) I like that they're at least an hour. I could sit there all night listening to dicussions just farming things :P
Unfortunately this Weds I will not be able to have the weekly study. I'll be at Chucky Cheese for my niece's b-day party.
Study shows Bible Study is a huge success!

Okay, sorry for the lame joke in the title.

When I am not busy with wedding planning or any other number of things, I am really glad to be able to join the Bible studies. I hope I can be around more often for them, but right now I have premarital counseling on Wednesday nights and it makes it basically impossible to join.

I think that anything less than an hour wouldn't give people near enough time to discuss the things that are important. With it being voluntary, that gives people the option to join for a while, and depending on what they choose to do, they can stay or leave at some point. Also, as many people have indicated, they like to just listen in while they do many of WoWs monotonous activities such as farming or grinding. I know it makes my otherwise boring activities a lot more enjoyable when I join in.

Thank you Soul!

I won't be able to be at any studies for a while. I'm leading a group on Wednesday nights now. Not that I was ever at very many. But the times I was there, I really enjoyed it. :(
I'm actually going to hold off a week and wait to see what happens with the new guild leaders and where they'd like to see things go. I'll discuss where I thought to take things with them and we'll take it from there.
I'd volunteer to help lead the Bible Studies if we need.

As the title suggest, I'm very interested in helping out with the guild bible studies. I'm not sure if Soul still has the bible study on hold or not due to guild elections, but I'm offering to help out where every needed.

I do have some ideas I'd like to share about the bible studies and would also be willing to prepare and lead the studies for each week. I've been thinking of a new ministry that I could take part in and this really interests me.

One idea was...

I do think these studies should be consistent and regular, just like any other bible study you may do at church or in someones home. This would allow people to plan better for attending these bible studies and would help them be more successful.

Maybe a co-leader or have backups if 'Real-Life' stuff happens that prevent us from having the studies one week.

Anyways, just a thought and I would love some feed back. I'm also willing to sit down and discuss the continuing of the bible studies further in vent. :)

Love in Christ,


Spamalots, Spamalotz and Pramalot