Website Suggestions


New Member
Members of ToJ.  I am currently taking suggestions on how we can improve the website as it is in the process of being rewritten.

This is your chance to get heard early on in the process.  Chapter leaders, what tool would make your jobs easier?  Members, how can we make the site easier to use?

Not only have suggestions but would like to help in the rewrite?  Check out the following thread:
1)  Once logged in, have the option to stay logged in.  It is very annoying to have to log in for every visit.

2) Member profiles

3) Updated roster with the Leaders of guilds and clans actually members of their community.

4) Optional skins - like what is being offered on the CGA main-site (please do not duplicate it, though)

5) Nicknames - some members of ToJ have a different nickname for the CGA forums or for the games they play; leave an optional box for members to fill out a second nickname on their member profile and to select what the name is for (IE: Bowser@CounterStrike, B0wzer@HalfLife).

6) News - the ability to update news to a specific chapter without having it being displayed on the main ToJ site; however, please leave the option to display it at the ToJ site if checked.

7) New polls!

8) IRC Chat link displayed on ToJ.  An information page with 'official' chapter channels would be cool.

9) Game servers - have what servers a game is played on displayed somewhere for each chapter site (IE: ToJ Warcraft is played on the Azeroth server.  Meet us in channel op cga)  Let the Leaders submit this information, but please provide an area for this to be shown on every chapter.

10) Member feedback - It would be really cool to respond to the Scriptures and Polls!

11) Private Messages - the ability to send messages through ToJ to members and staff.  Members could help with news and updates by spreading the word to their chapter leaders.

12) Staff Forum - a private gathering where staff and administrators can post meetings about chapters or websites.  This way, leaders can agree on guidelines and rules, better staff to member communication, or discuss what servers a game should be played on.  Regular members and guests should not be able to see this forum.

13) Multiplayer games.  One of the original Mario (old school Nintendo) games has a bonus multiplayer level - that would be awesome

14) General E-Mail - create one e-mail address for the administration at ToJ.  For instance; "If you would like to sign up for any of our tournaments send a message here:"
Instead of one person getting bombarded with messages about the chapters or our website, we can instead create an account that (a select few, of course) administrators and staff can read.  We can even create addresses to be used by the chapters.  For example, "Send your best replays here and we will post them on our website!"
Im currently looking for a way to breathe new life into the CGA mentoring and prayer scheme. i think that some direct links from the main page would be very good for enhancing the spiritual side of toj.

I had this massive idea for the CGA site that i emailed to tek. i will see if i can find it..
the direct ablity for news reporters/chapter leaders to beable to post news right away on their respected front pages, but at the same time keep the current system also so that anyone can post news anywhere.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (rizz @ Jan. 15 2004,7:29)]I had this massive idea for the CGA site that i emailed to tek. i will see if i can find it..
I think I know the e-mail you're talking about, Rizz. Send a reminder e-mail to tek7 AT toj DOT cc with a brief description of the e-mail and I'll forward it back to you so you can post it to the CGA site. Also, I can forward it on to Tom (a.k.a. Purefun) to get his opinion as well.
As posted in the other thread...

I know HTML, PHP, and MySQL if you need any help from me. I don't have any experience with ColdFusion, but I am willing to learn.
I stay logged in all the time
but that might be cuz im using firebird.. i dunno
My suggestion is to at least allow the staff team to upload files. Especially when its being re-written, I hope and pray that annnoying bug will not come out again. It could make Tek's job alot easier cuz i dont' hav to bug him all the time to upload stuffs

*runs over to Tek wondering what to bug him about*
done.. i am working with plankeye at the moment on the layout for the new toj website, if anyone has decent skills in either photoshop or web design please contat plankeye. Im sure we could get you making

btw.. the new look is sweet (so far)
Rizz is talking about the emails we have been sending back and forth. I'll start building the new look on a development folder shortly and run it by everyone to see what they think.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Plankeye @ Jan. 17 2004,10:12)]Rizz is talking about the emails we have been sending back and forth.  I'll start building the new look on a development folder shortly and run it by everyone to see what they think.
Plankeye: Could you send me an e-mail with the URL of the temporary site so I can check it out? You know how I love to be privy to works in progress.


Sorry I have not gotten back to you. I am way backed up with stuff to do. I will be sending an email shortly.