webpage downage

It is down for everyone. I have a ticket open with our host. I'll let you know when I hear something back.
ToJ Host is the suxzor
Actually, they are really good for their price. Besides a view small problems, I doubt you would find a host that does better for the same price.

The problem is that they are still on windows 2000 servers and should be upgrading to 2003 here in another month. Because they are in 2000 and we have shared hosting with other websites, if one of those other sites has some bad code that crashes the server, everyone goes down. When they upgrade to 2003, everyones website will run in its own process so things will be much happier.
WinServer 2003 is awesome.

no more charging for accounts, which means Window Hosting packages will be cheaper (they'll get closer in price to linux hosting packages)!

ASP.NEt for the masses!
aye, and 2003 is even lighter then 2000. Crazy. 1 thing is becaues of its compatibility, u can't use it in clinent computers (u can, but not much to do)