Warcraft 3

I don't think it's a set rule whether Christians should play it or not. It's more of an individual and personal convictioins issue. I personally didn't like the undead race..does that mean that everyone should avoid it? no. Some poeple may not be bothered by it. If that stuff wuld bother you, then I would recommend getting a different game.
The undead are icky. ~_~ And that's coming from someone who loves playing as the Zerg in Starcraft. And who goes by the name GummyZergling on occasion. And who keeps a pet zergling in his room.
I dont agree with playing any games that have the occult or anything related to the occult in them. Really, can you picture Jesus playing ultima online? Going around killing every single person he can and stealing what theyve got while using satanic spells by the big pentagrams drawn in blood?
like CCGR said its a personal thing. But if you are bothered by the Undead(UD) then dont play as them, i usually play Random when i played, but am now more of an human/orc player personally, yes both races have there own problems, but atleast i get to slaughter those UD filth
i would say that if you think you are mature enough spirtually that it would not effect your walk with God then i would say give it a Try and if you dont like it you can always give it away