Useful Links


New Member
The New Thread:
Find any useful links that help you? Post them here and I will add them.

><> Truth

Well since someone came up with the idea to use this forum im going to, here is a list of sites i use with good strats and info on wc3. If i get a chance i might put up some of my uber leet personal strats.

Blizzard titles

Thats All Folks

Don't forget
and for all your gosu replay needs.
Post Accounts Here

Starting New:

Post your Account in this format

Server you play on: (We are officially on Azeroth USeast. if you play another post it.)
What Kind of Games do you play:
How often/When you play:

This is mine

(Main)Account: Joyful
Server you play on: Azeroth
(Other)Accounts: Newbieperson
What Kind of Games do you play?: Solo, 4v4 Rt's, At's and almost any custom map.

Lets get some people active and playing games.
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WarCraft III News

Hey all WarCraft III Players

I saw this forums was down, no one was talking or chatting, and mostly no one was playing games. So I took the job for Chapter leader. I pray that I can do this well and that I can get this active and start getting some Wc3 fans and players in here. Pray with me so we can grow this community and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!

My name is Truth Needham. I am sixteen. I love God, believe in his Son Jesus and read the word everyday. I hope we can become great Friends.

I have already set up a Bot and hope to get eight people in a channel so we can set up our own Clan Channel.

Lets get everything up and running before I start handing out Shaman positions, recruiters, planned game days, fun days, Tournaments and other fun stuff i want to be planning. I need your help though.

Help me get people in here so we can start growing and bringing back to life this Wc3 section so we can then get all the activities i want us to get started and up and running.

The bot is in the channel Tribe Of Judah.

Thank you, that is all
><> Truth
Official Server

Will be the Useast server. I know we have brothers and sisters who live on USwest and Europe. I have tired to play there both times and they have different "feels" to them. Uswest is generally also where most of the hacks will surface at (Diablo II days and even some in Wc3). THe clan will be on Useast, i encourage everyone to make the move to Useast if you have not yet to play with eachother and get the clan started.

USeast server is Azeroth. See you there! Inside Channel Tribe of Judah
Hey All,

If you Play WarCraft III i ask you to please come on and help create the clan. Get any friends. Our Channel right now is Op Toj.Bot

So hop on and help out. Once the clan channel is made we can start organizing some stuff.

Thank you
><> Truth
Breaking news!

The Wc3 Channel for ToJ is made.

Official Channel: Clan ToJ

If you want to join come in and ask for invitation! All are welcome.

Thank you

><> Truth
In-Game Clan Ranking

Shaman will be selected Elites. They will be picked by me, but you can help vote who stays and become one. Shamans are required to by Believers and God and Jesus their savior. Shamans are to be loyal, helpful, kind, loving and nurturing.

Bot Access:
If you do not become a Shaman that is ok. Everyone has a chance for the Bot Access. Bot access is more of a reward for how well you do, how much you help out. If you don't help out, you probably won't get any Bot Access.

You the People:
Without you there is no In-Game Clan. Which also means no fun nights, no clan ranking, no Clan. This is why i ask you to help out. Do not be a leech and join the clan and think you will be catered to. When you join the clan you are expected to help out.
This means by giving me feed back on how well I am maintaining the clan you have created. This means by staying active and attending to meetings. This means telling me requirements to join the clan, because if just anyone can join then that degrades you being in the clan.
Feed Back

Post here Feed Back on the clan, Ideas, things you want to see, things you would like to happen, how well were doing ect..

Post here:
In Game Clan Died due to one of the Shamans being hacked into.

Edited: June 20th
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Going To Remake a New Clan!

I have decided a New name because i don't want to take ToJ.

So im up for new names (Woulda been RaF- Redeemed and Forgiven but, i was informed thats our WoW guild name so.. :( ...)

So Please, Post your account names if you play. Add Me im on either Joyful or Newbieperson.

<>< Truth
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