Tribe of Judah Q4 2003 Plan

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I wrote out the following tasklists with hopes that all tasks on both lists would be completed before the beginning of 2004.

Drafted in September:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]- compile information for potential sponsors
- compile list of potential sponsors
- deliver information package to potential sponsors
- compile list of requirements for establishment as non-profit organization
- establish ToJ as non-profit organization
- appoint welcome committee members
- write/compile/post "Information for New Members" article [QuePasa]
- appoint full monthly newsletter staff
- add Amazon and other commission program links to ToJ web site
- close inactive chapters
- establish and staff Wolf: ET chapter
- establish and staff Natural Selection sub-chapter
- decide feasability of America's Army chapter
- compile and post "History of ToJ" to web site
- establish routine for web site backups
- establish quarterly goal-setting program
- establish welcoming committee

Drafted in October:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]- close inactive chapters; give one-month deadline where appropriate
- e-mail inactive staff members [Rizz]
- appoint Lead Recruiter [Rizz]
- fix image gallery [Plankeye]
- finish/post New Members Information article [QuePasa, Plankeye]
- writer volunteer descriptions:
   - Chapter Leader
   - Chapter Web Development Leader
   - Chapter Recruiter
   - Lead Recruiter
   - Chapter News Reporter
   - Membership Administrator
   - Personnel Director
- develop plan for regular member roster pruning
- empower members to select chapter memberships [Plankeye]
- send toj-general announcement re: updating member info (after above)
- revise FAQ [Mad Chengman]

Also, here's a chat excerpt where Rizz graciously endured my rambling:

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]So let's look at what we need to do...
1. Close inactive chapters
2. Re-instate monthly reports from chapter leaders
3. Appoint a lead recruiter
then assign him/her to appoint other recruiters
Okay...What else, what else...
We need a newsletter.
The web site's fine as is, but we could stand to clean up the roster a bit--take out all those "N/A"s and "whats icq??" from the roster
I'm also thinking of requiring applicants to give at least one valid instant messaging ID
I mean, who arranges game times by e-mail nowadays?
I have no idea how to get more people in our IRC channel
Gotta do some work on that Sponsor Information Package
Re-do the art for our online store
There are other people out there who can do better than I can, I'm sure
Put some deadlines on some chapters and sub-chapters...
Like the DoD sub-chapter...
MoH chapter...
Q3 chapter...
And UT
I'm going to put one-month deadlines on them, give them one more chance, then shut them down
Because I think we're the only Christian Q3 clan out there
And maybe even for UT, too

If you would like more information on staff positions, please send an e-mail to volunteer AT toj DOT cc requesting more information or offering to volunteer.

If you would like to help with any of our projects, please contact me at tek7 AT toj DOT cc.

If you wish for me to clarify any tasks on either of these lists, please post a reply to this forum thread.