Tombs Run


New Member
I am wondering if there would be any interest by guildies to do some runs through the Tomb of the Primevil Kings or maybe FOW it's a good way to make some money and get some good items plus I think it's an ideal way for us to work on our team coordination for pvp battles. I was thinking of doing this some time saterday since both areas require a lot of time.
Count me in ..... I have been to both, but not spent much time in either. If you see any of my toons on-line, give me a 'hollar.
If we take a traditional group I would suggest FoW. A Pet/Barrage group is the fastest way to get to the greens in Tombs. I am experienced in both and would enjoy either as long as its a SoE group.
Me and Andra Would both love to come on such an adventure with you. Count us in when the timing works out. :)
Count me in! I have to be in bed by 10p tho, have to work in the morning! plus its daylight savings time and I need my 8 hours of sleep, just ask Darph =-)
Squeeker said:
~wife of Darphbobo
Hmmm...none of the guys ever put "Husband of..." in their sigs. Maybe we love them more than they love us...

I think we could use that as material for a guilt trip! It has to be worth something...
Oh yeah, topic...

If I do any of that stuff, it means Axe can't play: he and my mes are on the same account. So you probably won't see me in either.
MaidMirawyn said:
I think we could use that as material for a guilt trip! It has to be worth something...

I don't know whether to say "don't bet on it" or "don't hold your breath" for this one, sorry :eek: :p

Anyway, I must hijack this topic!
