Tips for Lag?


New Member
So, if we are to progress any further in ICC 25, we need more dps. Sure, my dps isn't bad, by any means, but I literally do more in 10 man than in 25, due to immense fps-lag. Does anyone out there have tips on how to handle lag, reduce it, or add-ons that help to offset these issues? I run ~4 fps on boss fights in 25, and I just can't get the job done with that atm.
Certain addons can be decreased in intensity to help compensate for this (especially any scrolling combat texts) as well as turning unnecessary graphics settings to low.

Also, turning the game's resolution down can help with this. I know I get alot of lag on Marrowgar and Festergut from the fog effects in their room which cannot be turned off at the moment I believe. (The ice wall behind Marrowgar and the orange gas from Festergut)
Lag is my life in this game. A couple things that have helped is that I keep a "memory dump" macro handy on my windows toolbar. For me it is in Windows/System32 - the rundll32 file.

Also, Elitest Jerks has a fix for the chain disconnect

Also, I found a tool for cleaning up your start-up I think it is...Leatrix Latency Fix 1.18 from found here: It is a simple program to help manage your memory and what is running. I like it.
I dont know much about computers, so this could be terrible advice, but before I got my new super over powered computer, I used to go into the task manager and set WoW's priiority to real-time and it seemed to help. Other than that, lower spell detail (as low as you can without affecting you being able to see fire and slime and stuff), and lower view distance (again, not so much that you cant see far enough to raid). You may also want to lower the spell effect level in-game (i forget what the /command is though).
Lag is my life in this game. A couple things that have helped is that I keep a "memory dump" macro handy on my windows toolbar. For me it is in Windows/System32 - the rundll32 file.

how do you make a memory dump macro?
Leatrix Latency Fix explains how it works. And it does.

I cannot remember. The rundll32 has a command associated with it and I cannot remember so I am researching it. There are some geeks out there who no doubt could explain it. Macro may not be the word I need to use, as it is a command line.
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%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

I think this is the command you are using ^^ or something like that.

rundll32.exe just runs "advapi32.dll" which is the real thing that is doing the work. ProcessIdleTasks is the function in the dll that frees memory.
Can you post some information (system specs)about your pc.
video on your motherboard or is it a video card.
type of video slot if available (agp or pci or pci-e)

you can find your specs by going here:
start -- control panel-- then system

you might type in help for systm performance or system information.

fps are usually tied to your video card and internal memory.