This is why we need an Accounts Manager


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
So I logged in to CGA's checking account today and felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach when I saw there were at least two inactivity fees of $10.00 each posted against the account.

When I spent several hours establishing the account with National City last May, I had planned to use the account to pay for our dedicated server hosting, domain name renewal, and vBulletin license renewal. It turns out that all three companies with whom we have accounts accept Paypal.

I paid all our invoices last year using Paypal and then promptly forgot about the checking account until today, meaning that National City started charging an inactivity fee starting last November. That means my mistake cost $50.00.

I faxed a request to National City to close the account earlier today. The customer service representative I spoke with assured me I wouldn't be charged yet another inactivity fee (which otherwise would have been charged to the account tomorrow), which is small consolation after flushing fifty bucks.

The Alliance Paypal account is still capable of accepting credit card payments, so community members can still send donations via credit cards. (For more information on supporting the Christian Gamers Alliance financially, please visit this thread.)

But don't worry: I plan to send $51.80 USD ($50.00 after fees) from my personal Paypal account to make up for the mistake. It stinks, especially after being unemployed for 11 months, but it's my mistake and I have to own up to it.

It has not been a good day.

So, I'll repeat the same call I've posted several times over the last few years: The Alliance really, really could use an Accounts Manager to help avoid incidents like this.
Tek, talk with NatCity about getting a fee reversal. They do it all the time. Explain that you are part of a non-profit Christian group.
Tek, talk with NatCity about getting a fee reversal. They do it all the time. Explain that you are part of a non-profit Christian group.
Is there a specific number or department I should call?

I do think a $10/month inactivity is ridiculously high. I remember Chase only charged $6 a month.
Call the number on the back of the account's credit card, or maybe a number on the checkbook. If all else fails, go into the bank and speak with someone directly. My fiancee has encountered a few fees in her lifetime, and you can usually get first-timers reversed, especially something like this.
Two things, my bank doesn't have anything like that, but it is a local bank, and 2, I can hook you up with some money for that if you need it...where can I "donate"?
I am sorry this has happened. I goofed tru that when I learned atm banking is not the same as real time banking so with this I will exclude my always wrong intuitive ways from this but I will help if needed just ask n we'll b there!
I just got off the phone with National City and the customer service representative confirmed that the bank refuses to refund the inactivity fees. The CSR checked the case history and informed me that a supervisor had denied the fee reversal request. I did explain that the account was for a not-for-profit group, but that didn't seem to make any difference.

So it looks like I'm out $50 for a stupid mistake. Live and learn, I suppose.

Anyone interested in serving as Christian Gamers Alliance Accounts Manager?
Aw that is really cruddy Tek. I would offer to help but I think I'm on the wrong side of the border to do so. Let me know if there is anything I CAN do to help though.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I just finished sending $101.60 USD from my personal Paypal account to the Christian Gamers Alliance Paypal account.

This is how the total breaks down:

  • $50.00: Inactivity fees. This is the amount that National City removed from the account starting last November and ending last March. It was my mistake, so I'm paying the expense personally.
  • $48.35: National City account balance at time of closing. After closing the Christian Gamers Alliance's National City account, I received a check in the amount of $48.35, which I deposited into my personal account in anticipation of then sending the same amount to the Alliance Paypal account.
  • $3.25: Associated Paypal fees. Using Ryan Olbe's Paypal Fee Calculator, I calculated how much I would need to send in order for the Alliance Paypal account to receive $98.35 ($50.00 for inactivity fees plus $48.35 for the remaining balance of the closed National City account).
For whatever reason, though, Paypal didn't take out any fees. Consider it a $3.25 donation. :)

I have updated the Christian Gamers Alliance Financial Accounts Status thread with the updated totals.
I'm new - but I don't know why you should have to pony up the $50 from your personal account. Is that a policy somewhere?

It sounds like an oversight that happened because we do not have an accountant. That should come out of the CGA account - not yours - and let's make sure it doesn't happen again.

For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.
2Corinthians 8:21

New International Version (©1984)
Since it was my mistake, I figured it was only right that I pay for it. I didn't want people thinking the funds they donated would go toward rectifying my oversight. And honestly, I wouldn't have felt right letting someone else cover for my mistake.