The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II


New Member
EA's latest entry in the Lord of the Rings series has been out for slightly over a month now. I played the demo and it's pretty fun stuff. I'm a huge fan of the Command and Conquer series (former Westwood staffers are partly responsible for this game) and as much as I detest some of the "baby-sitting" requried in RTS games like this, the game still seems pretty cool. Unfortunately the skirmish mode in the demo limits you to using the Dwarven faction (doesn't suit my type of strategy well) and the Goblin faction (

Has anyone picked up the game? If so, what are your thoughts?
Well I got this game, the Sam Goody by us was closing and I got 20% (ten bucks) off the game, its AWESOME! Takes a bit to get used to creating whole battalions at once instead of individual units but the quick resources are awesome and i made a custom hero, a man with a flaming sword thing.

Also, I must add that the game would suck with a controller, just like any RTS would. (MCOWNED, MERIDIAN)
ChickenSoup said:
Hey MF how do you think playing BFME: II would play with a Revolution controller, hmmm?

You know, I was really worried that when I asked heiscomingsoon to alter my name to "Meridian Flight" that someone would shorten it to "MF". Now I'm not saying you necessarily meant that in a derogatory way, but "MF" could very well be short for something else as well. :D
Heh, I had to check that Wiki entry Sir Thom.

So ChickenS--- (see what happens when I leave out the "o", "u", and "p"? There's several possibilities for what that word could be :D), how is the hero feature (no, seriously, how is it)?
You can use the ordinary heroes (aragorn, gandalf, eom(er/wyn), etc.) or customize your own, Elf man dwarf mordor isenguard or goblin, choose his weapon and armor and its color, and choose his skillZ (ability to mount a horse, ability to make all enemies around him cower in fear, etc., and is used just like a normal unit only more powerful and can use skillZ.

I also think that sneaking rangers into a nearby forest and setting the forest on fire (burning the enemies) is awesome