The Azzie Series, Coming soon!


New Member
As many people know, I'm planning on making a video series on Azzie's adventures, which will have its introduction episode completed hopefully by this coming Sunday. This is something I've looked forward to doing most of my WoW career ^^

Unlike most other WoW videos and movies I've seen, this is meant to be deeper, darker, and with a meaning and story to it.

In regards to content, It's going to be something similar to the Christian's battles within his/herself, where one overcomes doubt, isolation, betrayal, and the other nasty things that we all have to face one time or another. But like in Lord of the Rings, the meaning is going to be a little more hidden than say, the Chronicles of Narnia.

While mostly pvp clips, this video is meant to be in the form of a journal; thoughts and questions are often presented with clips of combat and travel that correspond into a story and the chain of thought that Azzie goes through.

Like I said, this is an attempt at a darker look of things in WoW, and for those easily depressed or spiritually challenged, please do not take things in the videos too seriously; it is a work of fiction as much as Lord of the Rings or the Chronicles of Narnia, and are only meant to be entertainment while the intellectual/spiritual parts are one's own choice to accept or reject.

All in all it's basically just a collection of music videos i make on my spare time; it's not going to be incredibly fancy or professional, but I'll do my best :D
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I call dibs on the money you make off the movie!!! Good luck with the project bud. If you need a hand or some way in which I may be of assistance let me know.
Thanks :)

I might need some help making a title for the whole series...

But sometime we should take down a number of the horde heroes, like Rexxar, Cairne Bloodhoof, and that undead guy in EPL. That would make awesome lore to be put into a video.
Azzie said:
one of my big goals in this game would be to take down Rexxar from the bonus campaign from The Frozen Throne and record it and show it to all my friends who think Rexxar the Beastmaster is cool. *evil smile*

Maybe when expansion comes out some hunter could tame Misha, his level 62 elite pet
(Quoted from Hunting Humar the Pridelord.)
Azzie said:
But sometime we should take down a number of the horde heroes, like Rexxar, Cairne Bloodhoof, and that undead guy in EPL. That would make awesome lore to be put into a video.
Methinks Azzie has something against Rexxar. :D

Though I must admit, it would be so cool to tame Misha.

I'm eagerly anticipating your videos, Azzie!
heh, its something about me.

I always toy with the idea of defeating heroes. If a name is famous or feared, that name is on my target list, and the more powerful the enemy is the better.

If I could, I would have a video of taking down Thrall and Sylvanas too, but that would be quite a bit harder than the #2 heroes like Cairne and Rexxar.

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CONFIRMATION: I have hit rank 10. The introduction episode will be completed by this Sunday unless the severs are down until Sunday...
Azzie said:
CONFIRMATION: I have hit rank 10. The introduction episode will be completed by this Sunday unless the severs are down until Sunday...

woot grats on rank 10...I hope u're going for rank 11 atleast after reaching this far :). Hoping to see ur video soon.
Thanks :)

Nah i wont be going for rank 11.I'm not gonna step into the battlegrounds for a long time now, and I already have an epic mount.
I'm gonna try focusing on making my videos and maybe do some dungeons since I havent done any for months now...
And I need to gear up a little more. whereas the pvp gear is the sweetest looking thing in the game, the stats are pretty weak.
Azzie said:
Thanks :)

Nah i wont be going for rank 11.I'm not gonna step into the battlegrounds for a long time now, and I already have an epic mount.
I'm gonna try focusing on making my videos and maybe do some dungeons since I havent done any for months now...
And I need to gear up a little more. whereas the pvp gear is the sweetest looking thing in the game, the stats are pretty weak.

agreed...those stats need some work.
Azzie said:
... And I need to gear up a little more. whereas the pvp gear is the sweetest looking thing in the game, the stats are pretty weak.

what?! The stats arent great but it looks cool?!? I dunno if i could work that hard for mediocre stats, but i commend you for sticking with it and sacrificing everything else for it. I would be the first person to tell you that i dont have that kind of will power, yes even before Miriallia and before Icthus. Great job on Rank 10 Commander Azzie (Player). Now just come to MC once a week and get that helm replaced by the CANCEROUS BANANA!
I find that PvE gear > PvP gear .. there's lots of stam on it but the lack of other stats is not worth it. Also PvE gear has more dps for me than the pvp hunter set.
Warlock / mage helms from the rank: 10 look totally rediculous. Everytime i see a human mage or warlock with the helm i die a little bit inside.
Odale said:
Everytime i see a human mage or warlock with the helm i die a little bit inside.

Will this cause you to become part of the undead then? Or is this how the Uncead clan come about, they saw others in that set.
I've compiled a first draft for my first video; just some extra touch-ups and it'll be done.

Approximately 15 minutes long.

It's not totally a pvp video although most of the film takes place in the battlegrounds; it's more of a story when compared with most other pvp films I've seen that are primarily the "i pWn u n00b Lolololololol!!@@!!!!111" style plotline.

And unlike the dragonball series, stuff actually happens.
Lookin forward to the video series Azzie. I'll be sure to download them. It will be interesting to see the game from a lvl 60. be sure to stick it to the horde whenever possible for some of us lowbies :D