New Member
Hello, I used to be on these forums a lot, and I got back into Guild Wars around factions. I wanted to join SoE, but the first time I tried there was a long wait. I found (and am currently the GvG master of) a mature guild, though not directly faith-based, is very hardcore about being mature in a good sense as well as keeping the game respectful. One of our main officers is even a Sunday School teacher if that tells you anything.
In any case, as the "Shogun" (head of the military) of Terminal Ferocity, I would like to get in contact with one of the officers of SoE and possibly talk about a sister program as there is still likely a long waiting period for entering SoE. I'd personally like to see some serious competition in the arena with either SoE or my guild, as we desire to be a sanctuary from stupidity and ignorance.
We would like to GvG with you as well as join forces to build our guilds. As a Christian, myself, I would love to give greater glory to God and possibly invite some of the other online guildmembers to your bible study sometime.
Our website (new) is www.terminalferocity.com . We are a new guild, but we are really seeing the decay of morality and intelligence in a lot of the players around us, and hope to at least bring together a group who respects one another as well as other people.
OldSkoolAngel (A.K.A. Lady Morgue)
In any case, as the "Shogun" (head of the military) of Terminal Ferocity, I would like to get in contact with one of the officers of SoE and possibly talk about a sister program as there is still likely a long waiting period for entering SoE. I'd personally like to see some serious competition in the arena with either SoE or my guild, as we desire to be a sanctuary from stupidity and ignorance.
We would like to GvG with you as well as join forces to build our guilds. As a Christian, myself, I would love to give greater glory to God and possibly invite some of the other online guildmembers to your bible study sometime.
Our website (new) is www.terminalferocity.com . We are a new guild, but we are really seeing the decay of morality and intelligence in a lot of the players around us, and hope to at least bring together a group who respects one another as well as other people.
OldSkoolAngel (A.K.A. Lady Morgue)