Terminal Ferocity Requests Alliance


New Member
Hello, I used to be on these forums a lot, and I got back into Guild Wars around factions. I wanted to join SoE, but the first time I tried there was a long wait. I found (and am currently the GvG master of) a mature guild, though not directly faith-based, is very hardcore about being mature in a good sense as well as keeping the game respectful. One of our main officers is even a Sunday School teacher if that tells you anything.

In any case, as the "Shogun" (head of the military) of Terminal Ferocity, I would like to get in contact with one of the officers of SoE and possibly talk about a sister program as there is still likely a long waiting period for entering SoE. I'd personally like to see some serious competition in the arena with either SoE or my guild, as we desire to be a sanctuary from stupidity and ignorance.

We would like to GvG with you as well as join forces to build our guilds. As a Christian, myself, I would love to give greater glory to God and possibly invite some of the other online guildmembers to your bible study sometime.

Our website (new) is www.terminalferocity.com . We are a new guild, but we are really seeing the decay of morality and intelligence in a lot of the players around us, and hope to at least bring together a group who respects one another as well as other people.

OldSkoolAngel (A.K.A. Lady Morgue)
Thanks for your interest. The person to get in touch with is Pastori Mastersson. I don't know what will happen though, as you can't profess to being an openly Christian guild. As I understand our alliance, we are an openly Christian professing alliance.

Good luck with everything!
Hey, if nothing else, just to be a GvG partner to go up against someone for practice and be on friendly terms.

I'll talk to the other leaders depending on what the response is. We're just sick and tired of seeing all the garbage out where we play.