Tek gets a second job

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I've already posted a thread about my upcoming second job and subsequent decrease in available free time to the Christian Gamers Alliance general discussion forum. You can read that riiight here.

I won't repeat it all in this post, but I wanted to make sure I did direct everyone to the appropriate staff members as I did with my aforementioned post. If you'd like to skip this next section, you can just check the Tribe of Judah Staff Listing.

- To volunteer for any Tribe of Judah staff positions, contact Rizz.

- If you have any questions about membership, contact Rizz.

Rizz is just a popular man.

- For all issues related to the Tribe of Judah web site, contact Plankeye. If you want to volunteer to help with the web site (remember, our web site is based on ColdFusion), then contact both Rizz and Plankeye.

- For all matters related to the Tribe of Judah: Counter-Strike server, contact Elite. Keep in mind that Elite is busy, so you might want to try contacting Parakletos or Exodus.

- For all matters related to the ToJ: CS competitive team, contact Parakletos or Exodus.

- Oh goodness, this could take a while. If you have any questions about anything else in ToJ, check our Staff Listing and then, if you haven't found anyone to handle your request, comment, or suggestion, e-mail me at tek7 AT toj DOT cc. Fair warning, though: I might forward your e-mail to another staff member and ask them to take care of it.

We have an excellent staff--make use of them! And be nice to them! They aren't paid for their work with ToJ. Of course, neither am I. ^_^;;

Okay, that about covers it. Now I'm off to call Erin! *G*
*returns salute* I'm actually posting from work now. I plan to take 15 to 30 minutes of my lunch each day to catch up with the forums (at least on those days I bring my lunch). I won't be accessing my personal e-mail accounts from work, but I will try to set up a few messenger accounts so that the staff members of both CGA and ToJ can reach me in case of emergency. No promises on the IM deal, though.

Anyway, for those who are curious, work is going well so far! My free time is greatly reduced so I might just have to give up gaming altogether. ;_; But I'd rather do that and take time out and ToJ and CGA.